Reviews for Pleasantly Depressed
resting-madness chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
will you put this in their pairing section, so mine aren't the only ones. I love this pairing and they're hard to find ya know?
Atomic Works chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
A very good story, I wish I had found it sooner.
ReadReedRed chapter 9 . 1/11/2013
You're an amazing writer, just so you know. I've read this all the way through more than once, and have decided it's one of my very favorite fanfics I've ever read. And I've read a *lot* of fanfiction.

Anyway, I decided to comment on this specific chapter for one reason: He had it comin'. ;]

Couldn't resist. Always must greet fellow Chicago fans, and all that jazz .

I'm done now.. If you're good to mama.

Ahem. Okay. Now I'm done. And if my strangeness freaked you out, I apologize and blame sleep depravation. Lifelong member of insomniacs anonymous here.

Anyway, thanks for writing this amazing fic, and I hope you plan to continue with the sequel. I'd certainly continue reading it.

Keep writing, and razzle dazzle them _

Apparently I can't stop.

Rikku-Gleeks-Out chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
Now I'm pleasantly depressed.

Why? Well I was searching through my old faves and such and came across you and this fic. I distinctly remember reading it, but looking through the reviews, I do not think I ever reviewed before. That makes me sad. I was sure I did. Well, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story.

Curious about your writing now. Are you planning on ever revisiting the FF world? What kind of things are you writing and will you continue to use this place to post your fics?
PandoraMagic chapter 10 . 11/13/2011
Someone knows how to have sex with woman. - 3-
Halan Lore chapter 18 . 4/16/2011
Owch :/ -looks at list of household items as lubricant-
Beitrix chapter 30 . 2/2/2011
my GOD this was an epic fic. I actually read it several months back but was looking for it again cause m friend wanted to read it too lol

forgot then to say just how wonderfully smexy it is lol. and humorous.
Kami Strife chapter 30 . 1/13/2011
Wonderful story and very well-written! Good balance of sorrow and happiness, and I loved the way you portrayed Squall during his crazy moments. (My father had PTSD throughout my years in high school, but refused to believe that anything was wrong with him, so Squall's situation - though it turns out to be much more than PTSD - really struck a chord with me.) There were parts where it was a bit confusing, but it felt like that was sort of what you were going for. And I really enjoyed how you can write out an entire scene with just dialogue and still captivate a reader. Anyways, it was a fantastic read. Thank you very much.
Queen-of-Sussness chapter 30 . 12/18/2010
This fic amused me greatly and for that I thank you -bows-

The song in the previous chapter is "Without You" from RENT - do I get the bonus points? :P

Thanks so much for writing this, it made my day to read it and you have a real talent for mixing humor with the angsty stuff, it worked very well and was totally believable :)

So please continue with your awesomeness!

Cherri202 chapter 13 . 9/10/2010
"I'm not your sugar" is possibly the greatest line an in-character Squall has ever uttered. Ever.
FrankIeroRules chapter 30 . 11/7/2009
I absolutely loved this story! It had drama but was funny at some points, and I loved the storyline, and pretty much just everything else. Nice work! :)
Agatsuma Ritsuka chapter 30 . 9/2/2009
I'm more afraid of Moomba's now than Selphie... Grrface keeps BITING stuff!
fullwingedpen chapter 18 . 7/24/2009
I find your knowledge of household items as lubricants intriguing. Otherwise great story.
Calamitynexus chapter 30 . 5/24/2009
I liked it. Interesting use of dialogue. It was refreshing to read.
m chapter 30 . 3/30/2009
Absolutely amazing. Made me laugh and aw and everything. It's the best stories I can't manage to write more than three sentences in a review for.
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