Reviews for The Village
Syciara-Lynx chapter 4 . 10/19/2008
Wow, that story was excellent! Great plot, and very in character! Fantastic job hun. _
ChRsTiNe17 chapter 4 . 8/15/2004
wow! Gr8 story.
JadziaKathryn chapter 4 . 8/12/2004
This is cool and original. I must say, the translation at the end is great. I don't see muc need for the R rating, actually- PG-13 would probably suffice.
balalaika chapter 4 . 6/23/2004
A very good story, they could make a very nice episode of enterprise out of this one.

I love the way the charcters competely match with the series.
anon3908 chapter 4 . 12/11/2003
Nice! Poor Trip always gets beat up...Anyway i really like this!
Orion9 chapter 4 . 10/23/2003
Wow! Have been on week-long break so this was a great story to come back to. Amazing storytelling, as always!

Really enjoyed how you made Trip an important element in a really ancient legend. It was as if his presence on the planet has been foretold long ago. O.O Hm, now that they failed to make that all-important sacrifice, one can only wonder what will happen to the villagers of Kuraat...

Wonderful Archer/Trip friendship piece! Thanks for posting this! More? :)
Reldra chapter 2 . 10/8/2003
This is awesome:) I know it's already completed, but reading one part t at time of a good story is best. You have quotation marks around dialogue and where to put them down to a tea. I will have to study it. Of course, the story is more important.
Reldra chapter 1 . 10/8/2003
Good start:) It truy felt like an Enterprise episode. You;re right, their friendship has been missing.
kraig chapter 1 . 10/7/2003
I really enjoyed reading it! What I liked most was the idea of these people only existing in a legend and those rituals our characters had to go through. That was really something new! Im glad there are still some writers out here with a refreshing amount of fantasy.

What a pity it was so short. I would have liked to learn more about this stange woman and her rough behavior towards the two Ent members :)
Marcee chapter 1 . 10/7/2003
Hey, Plumtuckered! I read this version of your story on one of the ENT newsgroups, but when it popped up here, I just HAD to say how much I really, REALLY love this story! As always, you bring forth the deep friendship between Jon and Trip so convincingly. And, of course, what's a good Cap'n & Trip story without danger? There's certainly plenty of it here! Poor Trip. And poor Jon! I think shoreleave is definitely made for their well-being!

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story with us! It's definitely a keeper!

Marcee :)