Reviews for Hope Amidst the Dark, Mistrust Amidst the Light
MadameProngs10 chapter 9 . 1/28/2008
I like this story because James and Lily are actually alive. Also, it's interesting to read about the Potters being a royal family. Do you plan on updating this story? And where can I find Once Upon A Time?
quaquaquaqua chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
This is pretty good... Except...Exactly where IS 'Once Upon A Time'?
phoenixgurl195 chapter 1 . 6/30/2007
...and ONCE UPON A TIME is...where?
sour-peach chapter 9 . 3/15/2005
Omg! twas AMAZING! lolz i just cant help but feel queazy at the mention of Sirius.. he doesnt seem normal.. i mean he seems like sum1 else... o) ne way mayb its just meh loll alrighty then! well i'll b waiting for an update eh? :D
BabyD chapter 9 . 7/26/2004
I liked everything but the fact that Sirius was named godfather of Lydia. James has two best friends so i was hoping Remus was her godfather. But anyways i don't know if you meant it but Sirius is acting weird. Is it really him or someone pretending to be him under the influence of the polyjuice potion?
BabyD chapter 1 . 7/25/2004
I love your story. I hate the fact that everyone feels that Lily and James just HAVE to die cause they did in the book. it's a fanfic for godsake. Anyway, i just finished reading your previous story and loved it and i know i'm going to love this one. Now that my favorite character is not in Azkaban. It bought tears to my eyes when they killed him off in Ootp... I'm rambling on... keep up the good work.
BabyD chapter 1 . 7/25/2004
I love your story. I hate the fact that everyone feels that Lily and James just HAVE to die cause they did in the book. it's a fanfic for godsake. Anyway, i just finished reading your previous story and loved it and i know i'm going to love this one. Now that my favorite character is not in Azkaban. It bought tears to my eyes when they killed him off in Ootp... I'm rambling on... keep up the good work.
Marauder Megan chapter 9 . 7/17/2004
Awesome Fan Fic! I predict there is more, or another sequal? I loved your first stroy I read, and love this one, its sequal better. Good Job!
Apolla26 chapter 9 . 7/14/2004
It's a great story but you should update more often. Love it.
firehottie chapter 9 . 7/10/2004
wow! that was a great chapter! i can't wait to read more!

~* firehottie *~
J.E.A.R.K.Potter chapter 9 . 7/10/2004
Great chapter and please update soon!-(Erin)J.E.A.R.
MAnny2003 chapter 9 . 7/10/2004

MAnny2003 chapter 8 . 6/2/2004
hey! great chappy! "Sirius looked nervous for a split second" that is a little unnerving but hopefully it is not there 4 the reason i think it is there for. **prays** please no sirius, dont take sirius! **ends prayer** anywayz... PLEASE POST ASAP!

Misty chapter 8 . 6/1/2004
I'm so glad you continued this story. I was afraid you had given it up. After reading Part I, I was eagerly awaiting all the exciting adventures of Part II. Your story has remained consistently well-written and exciting. I love how you reveal a plot and your strong grasp on your characters. I'm looking forward to seeing what all your hints of trouble to come will amount to. Thanks for sharing with us. Please hurry up and give us the rest of the story soon. :-)
firehottie chapter 8 . 5/29/2004
i can't wait to read mre!

ITsgetting better and better!

~* firehottie *~
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