Reviews for Rain Falls Within
SweatDrop chapter 1 . 10/20/2008

Serenader chapter 1 . 11/21/2005
_ I like it. Fai (the way I spell his name) does not seem as cheery. It's... refreshing.
Chase Yuy chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
Bravo bravo! you say there will be more? yay!

Lady Lark chapter 1 . 6/27/2005
Great story! It feels right, and it gives us a glimpse into why Fye's tattoo was so important to him. It was something that needed explanation. I also liked the characterization of Ashura and Fye - they were very three-dimensional with quirks and foibles. This is just a great story to read.

Thank you!
Freaky Person O.o chapter 1 . 3/13/2005
Need... Update... Now! RAR!
super-azn-otaku-girl chapter 1 . 1/1/2005
its pretty good so far. i have a question tho: Many people think Fai is gay (Fai is how they spell it in the manga, but many people also spell it Fye) and i want to know why. ive read all the mangas so far, but i have no idea why. is it some sort of "fan-fiction" thing, or did Clamp do a "sneak-peek" on Tsubasa? if you could tell me, i would really appreciate it. i love how you did a special on Fai, because he is my favorite character! _
Askani Blue chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
Coolness. I liked this one, an interesting idea for the mysterious tatoo. I look forward to the other chapters.
silgidane chapter 1 . 5/2/2004
Saa~. *content* This was just really nice. It's so rare to see Tsubasa fic, especially good Tsubasa fic about Fye. :} Hope you'll continue it soon! Thanks for sharing~.
Joyce chapter 1 . 4/3/2004
) brilliant.. im intrigued by e tattoo so much~ haha mind if u can send mi an email updating me when the next fic is posted? thaNkX lOtsa ) wae to go~!
sakurakumagorou chapter 1 . 10/14/2003
Nice... Tsubasa bishounen in *m~* situations... Please update this soon, if possible-*really* looking foreward to reading more of this one! _~


Peacewish chapter 1 . 10/3/2003
Oh, rats. I was almost the first one to review this time. so close! I have so little time to spend on the net these days, but the ten minutes it took to read this was worth it. what is it about tsubasa that seems to bring out the best in you? much as I love your ccs classics, there's just a quality to this and the t/y one that sends shivers down my spine. I'm not sure how much further along tsubasa is than when i last read it, so i guess i better if i'm going to keep up with this story.

ashura sounds hot. also sounds a little like touya, but maybe that's just wistful thinking on my part? i seem to vaguely remember fye fleeing royalty when he went to the witch of the dimension, is ashura one and the same? that's sad, if it's so.

I really can't wait to read more of this, and I will egg you on for zettai daijoubu as well, just for luck. i'm so psyched to see where it goes. and just to let you know, i spent all morning working on the wildflower! free time is so precious with this class, but i'm doing my best all the same. i know you will too.


Larania Drake chapter 1 . 9/25/2003
Much ouchiness. I don't know much about Tsubasa, but this does look interesting. I look forward to seeing more.