Reviews for Vengeance
EllipsisObsessed chapter 10 . 5/31/2008
Yay! happy ending :) great series... now off to read more of your stories :)
tangentsferret chapter 11 . 9/24/2003
I think you're very brave to post this! I'm not sure I'll ever have the guts to post anything I write where other people can read it.

I particularly enjoyed this because your writing is so technically adept: I know it's snobbish of me, but it really throws me off when I'm enjoying a lovely plot but there are spelling and grammar errors all over the place.

Please, by all means go out-of-canon, some of the most interesting stories I have read could never in a zillion years have happened in the actual "X-verse", and it doesn't offend anybody. I think the "rules" say as long as the story is tagged "AU" for alternate universe, you can do anything you need/want to do for your story to hang together.

It was nice to see the softer side of Logan: so many people seem to think all he does is shred things and drink beer!

Suggestion; possibly it would help the people who can't seem to figure out that time is passing if you were to insert a time-tag of some kind, the good old, "three months later, back at the ranch" kind of thing. Awkward, but possibly needful, if that many people are having trouble with the time sequences.

Thank you for writing this, I really enjoyed it!
Wolf55 chapter 11 . 9/22/2003
Doctor Ryan, Silver Blade, and Vengeance all together made for one great story, I feel that they are all connected, I much liked the happy ending best, In fact I would have liked it even better if Chang had lived, couldn't you have Sara and Logan take the sword back to monks and somehow bring Chang back, only because I feel he is really Sara power, would have prefered a little more detailed fight during Sara's rescue, but if you wrote this during that bad storm then you did good, looking forward to your next story.
Koryne chapter 11 . 9/22/2003
Jaenelle - don't worry about messing with the storylines! Believe it or not this is fanFICTION and you can do whatever you like with them, provided you keep it in character. If you read some of the other fanfics in here many are completely AU and most don't fit in with the comics storylines at some point.

As far as I can tell you have done a really good job of keeping everyones' reactions in character and the story runs nicely, that's far more important than keeping the team intact.

I don't read the comics (can't get hold of them, sigh) so the only way I know about the X-men is the films and fanfiction. A good read like this is pretty rare though - keep writing!
wolvster chapter 11 . 9/21/2003

Geez, you write fast! Took me a while to read it.

I liked it very much (again)!

Sigma1 chapter 11 . 9/20/2003
Sheesh! Well, that was quite the trilogy! You've got a very-nicely-written OC here, and you've even managed to keep nearly everyone IC. I look forward to seeing more stories from you.