Reviews for The Owl's Tale
tryingtobestine chapter 5 . 10/17/2008
Oh... interesting story. I liked most of it, but it annoyed me a bit with the songs – especially when they weren't arranged in any stanzas or anything
BajaB chapter 1 . 8/22/2006
What a really nice story.

Clever and funny, with a couple of great poem/songs in them. I loved the drunk sorting hat, really funny.

Well done.
Dead-Luthien chapter 5 . 4/7/2006
wow! Wonderful end to the story. I see that you are obssesed by anagrams. I'd like to ask you if you got the idea of the story from a book by Michael Crichton? I belive the name of the book is Time Prisoners (I'm not sure because I only read the book in romanian and I don't know the original title.) Anyway, I like the story. I loved the part with the hat getting drunk and also I like that you made Hedwing a real character, not just an owl. Tommorow I'll try to read The Owl's Tale 2.
Dead-Luthien chapter 4 . 4/7/2006
Did I say that I love this story? :P
Dead-Luthien chapter 3 . 4/7/2006
I love it. You're really good with descriptions and at poetry. I'm a disaster when it comes to poetry :((. The part with the old english: are those real words or you just made up some of them?
Dead-Luthien chapter 2 . 4/7/2006
It's getting good.
Dead-Luthien chapter 1 . 4/7/2006
hm, It sounds really interesting. I'd better go and read the next chapter.
Bagge chapter 5 . 1/26/2006
Really good story! Start up with a mystery, then go for a nice little quest in the sunshine, outwit a shady founder and learn something about friendship and trust. All - as it is - in a days work for these three... five.

The Alohomora song was beutiful. Quite a poet, Hedwig. Her point of view in the end was really cool, and it was fun how well she and the hat get along. The polish incident was just hillarious.
Verdenia chapter 5 . 10/26/2005
heh. cute story. cheers!
Verdenia chapter 1 . 10/26/2005
intriguing! I came here from your self-rec at the historical challenge on lj.

great job with the anagram, btw.

Brooke Monroe chapter 5 . 12/4/2004
i liked this one. it's really indepth. but once they returned to the future you started saying Pince, was that meant to be Ron? you're good with the way. hm. i'm gonna try to figure out my name. well ciao and

member Pay it Forward

Brooke Monroe
grammar conscious possum chapter 1 . 8/31/2004
Really liked this story - remarkably coherent for a time-travelling one with such a complicated plot! It's great the way your fictions always take some aspect of the Potterverse that nobody's worked with yet - like the early Hogwarts! They're always worth a read. By the way, does the password "griffin gilded" have something to do with, say, griffin d'or?
toriisen chapter 5 . 3/18/2004
Hey! You were right this is the best one! Well, actually I havn't read them all yet, but it's the best of all the one's I've read! You really like anagrams don't you?
Kewen chapter 5 . 12/30/2003
Great story!
I liked Hedwig being the main character. She doesn't have a very big role in the books, and I think it's extremely unfair, as she is obviously a great character. Just ‘cos she’s not human… Who knows, maybe she'll prove to be an important part of the plot in the last books?
I also thought the sorting hat was good, and how he could talk to Hedwig.
And Hedwigs poetry was brilliant! Loved it!
All in all, I think it was great, and all made sense, which is more than can be said for a few other time travelling stories I’ve read _
Samhain13 chapter 5 . 11/22/2003
If I had to choose one word, it would be: refreshing. (Of course, there's also humourous, witty, fast-paced, etc, but I'll stick w/ refreshing.)

Great poetry, by the way.
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