Reviews for Youkai Society
Chibi-Chan120 chapter 9 . 7/15/2015
Ah! So glad I finally found this fic again! I have been looking for it for forever. I had read it years ago and couldn't find it! ( mostly because I had the name wrong .) still love it! Wish it would continue buuuut I get that it's been more than 10 years so it prob won't ever. Still wanted to say how much I like it :) chapter 9 . 4/7/2012
I just wanna know if you're alive to finish this. I hope things are okay and that you will complete this story and not leave it hanging. The thingy above is my email, please reply whenever possible.
AnimeFanatic123 chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
xD I Just Started This, So I Don't Know If You Fixed It..

But He Calls Her A Wench, Not A Wrench!

:D It's Really Great!
Sugar0o chapter 1 . 9/20/2010
yeah i dunno if you will ever read this but i'd love it if this was finished, i saw that your note stated that you started the final chapter... I kinda hope that you'll update this fic oneday.
1842477 chapter 9 . 8/21/2010
SQUEEEE! I can't believe it's been years since you've updated. Please, I'll do anything for the ending to this story! _ I absolutely LOVE it!
Gilded Cage Princess chapter 9 . 8/20/2010
I Like how you had Inu-Yasha understand Sesshomaru, it was a sweet brotherly thing. now can you finish the frigin story? I like it too much.
TigerGirl1989 chapter 9 . 12/4/2009
OMG i cried so hard on this last chapter. It was so sad. Its been 6 years, do you have any plans to finish it? Please message me back at
SelfInducedHell chapter 9 . 8/29/2009
Okay, so here's the thing.

Since 2003, I have read your story, and in that same year, fell in love with it.

Ever since that day, I would check my favs to see if you updated, but did you? NO

Now it's 2009, SIX YEARS LATER, and I have NOT lost hope that you will FINISH THIS GODDAMN STORY.

So, you sadistic woman, if you don't finish this story, as many of your dear readers would LOVE for you to do, I will not only cry myself to sleep tonight, but I will also..uhh.. do something that will make you update...
Sapphire1022 chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
mewr? are you going to post the final chapter? Its been years :[
Sapphire1022 chapter 8 . 12/25/2008

I really want to know what happens!

Your story is one of my favorites!

Please at least tell me how it ends or something.

I cant keep going on like this!

I have to know!

Will Kagome reject her pup?

Will she fall for Sesshomaru?

oh I gotta know please!
Let The Right One In chapter 9 . 11/2/2008
Good Story
chaosonyxangel chapter 9 . 8/30/2008
I don't know where to start.

First of all, the biggest thing that caught my attention was the way you managed to portray Kagome's undying love for InuYasha. Your story sent shivers down my spine and tears to my eyes as I read of how Kagome was torn from him by the unfairest of deaths. Second of all was the way Sesshomaru's emotions evolved from being bound by duty to being bound by love. I absolutely LOVED that!

The thing I loved the most was how you included Naraku in your story, not only making him the enemy with several shocking and captivating plots and twists but also revealing his desire for Kagome. I've always been an "off the beaten-track" kind of person when it comes to pairing, so SessKag and NaraKag are probably my favorite pairings. Now, I'm not particularily fond of Kikyo, but I love how you portrayed her as both dignified and, at the end, loving. Kagome's display of power made me catch my breath, and I love how you added the story of the other miko (Midoroku...sp?) into that. Her changed appearance was an added bonus! All in all, this fanfic was downright amazing, outstanding, incredible, touching, suspensful, and the work of a genius! I found myself becoming angered, frightened, happy, etc with the characters as you described each event and thought with incredible detail. This story is definitely in my favorites now! And I have one last question: is that the end of the fic, is there another chapter coming up, or is there a sequel? I want to know what happens with the well! You can email me at

Thank you so much for blessing us fanfic readers with your masterpiece!

Hana chapter 9 . 8/20/2008
omg i love your writing!dont tell me that chapter 9 was the last chapter! i dont want it to end please please please keep writing. your just so i love your work! do you have any more sesshoumaru/kagome stories? please if you do tell me and please keep writing. there has to be more chapters. your so amazing!
TheLeafOnTheWind chapter 9 . 8/19/2008
ok, 2 things. 1, even though i know it would ruin a lot of stories, it really irritates me when someone destroys the Well in the past. If it were destroyed in the past, it would be a paradox, as any action you take in the past would have happened no matter what, or the future would not be the same, and events would not have happened. So, if the Well were destroyed in the past, it would not exist in the future at all, therefore causing Kagome to never go to the past and cause the destruction of the well, causing an infinite loop of logic.

LC Rose chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
So far, I love this. What a wonderful idea! Great job for a first fic.
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