Reviews for Scars
Dead account no longer here chapter 17 . 12/20/2012
Damn gohans a prick. This is awesome. i feel bad for both trunks's.
LemurianCitizen chapter 32 . 6/21/2008
I just finished reading your Story and I really like it. What I like most is that you, unlike so many other Authors, don't focus too much on the Sayajin aspect. I just hate it if the characters are reduced to some kind of animal and instinct driven creatures because of some Sayajin characteristics.

I also really like that you don't overuse sex like many others do, especially in the DBZ fandom. I just don't like Stories in which the characters are just attracted to each other because of some sex instinct of the Sayajin part. So a hurray to you that you avoided that kind of thing.

I also really like your characterisation, I think all your characters are as in character as characters can be in an AU. Furthermore all of the character's actions are logical so that I can comprehend them. You even managed to get me to like your ChiChi, a character I normally don't like at all, so that really is an accomplishment.

Last but not least I like the dynamics the characters show in their relationships with one another, most of all between the two Trunks. I can imagine that it's quite difficult to write them in situations together as they are so different from one another although they are basically the same. That's quite a contradiction but you manage to write it just fantastic. Of course I also like the beginning friendship of Trunks and Gohan, especially the awkwardness that's always present somewhere because of Trunks feelings for his Gohan. I'd love to see how this continues.

So I really hope you are going to continue this Story and you said you'll do in your profile but I'm not sure when you wrote this, could have been a few years ago. I think I'm just gonna wait and hope that you haven't abandoned this Story yet.
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 32 . 3/27/2008
That was so good! I love this story! Update soon
SiriusRulez chapter 32 . 7/6/2007
That was really good! I LOVE IT! Who is Mirai Trunks going to go out with? I cant wait to see! plz post again soon
Huredhiel chapter 32 . 3/2/2007
hey um i like your story but dont you think that everybody is a little oced in this story? well anyways its your stotry and i whish for you to continue..thanks and bye:D
sugarbug16 chapter 1 . 1/10/2006
i love the story, please continue. please?
Rosiekins chapter 32 . 5/27/2005
I really hope you continue with this story! *shakes fist* It's getting too interesting for you NOT to! I really like the attention you spend on analyzing the characters. I think the Gohan/Trunks aspect is especially intriguing. Anyway, please do update someday! K?
Twinnie chapter 32 . 5/9/2005
This is an interesting fic - an interesting character analysis... Very insightful. I hope you will keep writing it - what you've done so far is so clever it'd be a shame if you dropped it here
kate chapter 32 . 2/15/2005
are you going to finsh this fic?
Demivolte chapter 32 . 1/16/2005
o, family conflict! I love this fic! please update it soon!

Does Gohan 'love' Videl...or Trunks? I noticed that he seemed to act different around him...and is calmed by him too, as i noted from Videl...soo...does he love Trunks i just weird? lol ;

Also...what's up with Goku? I mean...I know he was angry, but, didnt he even think to himself that he wasnt as Vegeta said? I'm confuzzled but, i'm sure i will figure somethign out.

Update soon and good job!
leelee3 chapter 32 . 12/7/2004
*nods* Niceness! I wish I had a better review, but I need to be doing homework now...O_o Update soon! Don't take forever, now. _~
Hecate18 chapter 32 . 12/3/2004
Sorry about the late review, I had to read the last few chaps again to get the flow of things. _

I really liked this chap, its not often I see ChiChi portrayed like this, usually people just brush her off as Goku's wife, she's never really percieved as a woman who has feelings ya know. You've brought your characters to life and I think out of everything, thats what makes your fic so facinating... I'll most definately be reading till the very end! _

Looking forward to the next chap!
MeLaiya chapter 32 . 11/29/2004
wow, two whole updates withing the week. IT MUST BE A MIRACLE. Glad you decided to dig this one up from the ashes, its one of my favorites and very well written. Keep up the good work, Ill be waiting for the next chapter.
MeLaiya chapter 31 . 11/28/2004
ya know id just about given up hope for this one, glad you updated.
Serenestorm chapter 31 . 9/5/2004
OMG! I love this fic. The way you've captured all of the characters feelings is great. I like fics in which Gohan pretty much tells Goku how he feels about his father staying in Otherworld and running off and leaving his family in general. Though Goku is one of my fav characters. I like how you've captured Mirai Trunks as well. That last scene with Gohan walking in on ChiChi, I did't know whether to laugh or feel mortified. Poor Gohan, I guess he should have listened to his little brother. I really hope you update soon. I don't know why you don't have more reviews. This story is definitely going on my favorite list.
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