Reviews for Truth and Reality Duty and Conscience
Anti-Metallica chapter 17 . 6/3/2015
Angels. Demons. Songfics. Sigh, it's like high school all over again.
Anti-Metallica chapter 15 . 6/3/2015
Everything was so awesome up to the songfic entry. -_- Really hope this is gonna get completed, though it's been years and I haven't read to the end yet . I dig your portrayals.
Kyu-Momo chapter 6 . 1/18/2015
Wow, this is awesome so far!
ShanoaWarrior chapter 22 . 10/13/2013
I just finished reading your fic and I must say I find it very impressive even though the Ramza of your story is quite different from the one in the actual game. Agrias I find to be more in character, being torn between or duties as a knight and her affection for him. I hope you finish this fic someday, I would be interested in seeing how it ends if it hasn't already :)
anon chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
Still the best FFT fanfic I've read in 10 years.
Bay K.W. Arde chapter 22 . 1/24/2012
I really like the subtlety, really. Every chapter is so full of it and I have enjoy it to the fullest. Real shame about the 17th act though. I really want to see Agrias thought when all hope was lost and Ramza came to bring a new one. Too bad you're not going to finish it, but I'll enjoy what I can read.

Thank you, sincerely.
Arc Trader chapter 22 . 11/23/2010
This story has a fascinating beauty of its own. Although the early chapters were rather clunky, they were never terrible, and all worth reading to get to this amazing latest chapter.

The biggest critique I could make was that you were apparently inserting too much of your own personal life into the story. At times, it was a bit difficult to try to pick out when the characters were being Ramza and Agrias and when they were being stand-ins for real life.

But all that aside, it was all worth it. All worth it to get to this last chapter. Suddenly all the awkward and strange interaction between the two of them makes sense completely. You truly captured the love and angst that they have gone through to get to this point. The icing on the cake, and undoubtedly my favorite scene of the story, was when Lavian and Alicia finally discovered them in bed together and received Agrias's assurance that she had not changed, that she was healing. It was touching.

Harvey Bautista, I do not know if you are still in fanfiction, or even if you are still alive, considering that your last profile update was back in Sept. 2008 while on a tour of duty in Iraq. It is a morbid thought, but something I have to consider. Regardless, I wanted to make my thoughts on this story known, and come what may, thank you for getting to this point. Even if the story does not continue, it was a wonderful place to stop.
CrimsonCrossOfShame chapter 7 . 5/6/2010
lol when i played the game i mastered every class for ramza and ended with him as a lancer with the squire ability :) cant wait for the dragoon part
FFNovelist chapter 22 . 5/28/2009
This is really good. Do you plan on continuing it? (Or do you consider it finished?) I've been reading through your stuff all day, and I'm quite impressed, so I hope you keep up the good work.
kevin chapter 22 . 1/26/2008
this is a story i have kept up on for a long time and have read numerous times. i am curious if you are still updating it. it has been one of my long time favorite fan fictions of fft. if you are still working on it when do you think the next update will be?
Iliya Moroumetz chapter 22 . 9/28/2006
Hmm, I think this chapter deserves a review. A nice long one... or at least one that allows me to ramble to the point where it looks like it means anything, since I remember you asking me for one a long time ago and I was too distracted to do so. :p

Ok, this chapter is the epitome of the very reason why people like myself, i.e. hopeless romantics, read stories like this. But what I really do like is the fact that Agrias and Ramza start out with a slowly growing respect for each other. Not just as soldiers on the battle field, but as people. It adds a nice, and realistic look on interpersonal relationships between people. And, like real life, it has its problems because of one's duty to the land, one's charge, or the cause one chooses to undertake.

Though, as nice as the scene is, I still like the 'I trust you' scene from previous chapters that occurs near the beginning. I can't explain it precisely, but the entire concept of the admission of trust between two people like that sent me into giggles... and I was disgusted at myself for acting like a silly fangirl. :p

But enough of that, what I really like was how even Agrias' own weakness catching up with her, knowing she's no longer the mighty knight protecting her ward, to basically a mercnary under Ramza's command. However, she's still the same strong person, regardless of what's happened and she just needed a break.

Much good stuff happening and though it's been a while since the last update, here's hoping the next chapter will come out. We still care about this story, in case you're wondering. :)
Northlane chapter 1 . 9/22/2006
Most excellent. I like how you don't actually announce the junk. You just have it happen, as though it would in a story.

I really like it.
The Beautiful Green Beast chapter 22 . 9/13/2006
B.Szoke chapter 22 . 9/13/2006
A wonderful fic, and an excellent expansion of Final Fantasy Tactics. You avoid the stereotypes found for both characters and make them into flesh and blood human beings. The connection between Agrias and Ramza does not feel forced, it seems to come naturally, and slowely, something built up over time and forged in the fires of suffering and civil war. Easily the best FF Tactics fic I've read.
Kitake Neru chapter 19 . 8/20/2006
*applauds and bows* Every chapter a story of its own. Poignant and captivating, if you allow me that praise. The battle scenes were a little confusing (but then again battles always are) but the feel was there. Great one!
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