Reviews for Take a chance
crossfire192000 chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
great story i really liked it. I hope you write more G Gundam stories. well write more and I'll review!
crossfire192000 chapter 1 . 6/17/2004
great story i really liked it. I hope you write more G Gundam stories. well write more and I'll review!
HeavensRain chapter 1 . 3/21/2004
Cool I'm glad you love writing fluff cause I love reading Fluff... Ahh Fluffy Fluffy Fluff ( just had to get that out of my system ). I like Your FLUFF Story
RainDomonforever chapter 1 . 12/28/2003
ANIMEGRL220 chapter 1 . 9/8/2003
keep writing in this! i'm dying to find out what happens!

Cutie Blossom chapter 1 . 8/19/2003
Aw! _ Very good!
Merenwen Calmcacil chapter 1 . 8/18/2003
That was so good! I loved it! It was kind of sad but so good at the same time. It was great!
BlackBull289 chapter 1 . 8/18/2003
0-0 WOW! THIS STORY IS FANTASTIC! *cheers and brags on how good this story is* WHOA!THIS IS THE BEST OF THE BEST! AND I LOVE IT BABY!THIS IS THE BEST STORY I'VE EVER SEN! OOps! sorry to much caffine but i'm telling the truth! is good, is MM-M GOOD!THE ROMANCE OF ALL ROMANCE!OOps!sorry again!*grumbling* got to lay of the caffine!

well anyways! it's fantastic ,is wonderful,and it's GOOD!

P.S:god bless you! Ohh! and read my story "Fight til the End" and tell me how you like it 'kay!
Jess Angel chapter 1 . 8/18/2003
Aww, that was sweetness! A few mispellings along the way, but who cares? Its great fluff! I especially liked Domon's thought "If I knew a kiss would feel like this, I would have done it a long time ago"! Keep writing 0:o)
Maeko-Nohara chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
Maeko- both fics were wonderful! (as always...*g*) lovely lil one shot! Domon's such a idiot...

Domon- *steam*

Maeko- *sweet look*

Kyoji- *sigh* you're BOTH idiots...

Maeko- *throws fridge* shut up! anyway, though i don't really like D/R (just not a couple i read much about, i mean), you can REALLY write for them, y'know? *g* hope to see more from ya soon! oh yeah, do you know what Naruto is? *begging on knees* if you do or not, i did a new fic for it...but you don't have to read it. that's what i've got ideas for right now, though, whether anybody reviews it or not. *sighs* well, i promise to review YOUR stuff, anyway- because it's so good! *throws cookies* ja ne for now!
Another Lone Ranger chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
Aw, fluff is good! *sniffles* Fluff is good, fluff is free, fluff is so beautiful! *breaks down into tears...* Keep writing, and I shall read, cuz everyone needs a little fluff now and then, that they do!
Conquerer Worm chapter 1 . 8/17/2003
Woot! Domon sure is such a lil' bishi! Oh, so cute! *huggles Domon Plushie* He's soo... cute in fluff. Not sure how to explain it- he lets all his defenses down after episode 49 fluffs. He's just so

Domon:Yeesh! It's just acting, you know.


Domon: Yeah, it's true. In real life, I really don't like Rain that much. *Suddenly, a huge wrench flies at his head, nearly kncoking him unconcious. A huge shadow appears behind him.

Rain: What did you say?

Me: We all know that just a front, Domon. You love Rain! Muahaha! Hmm. Yeah. This was a long review. *whistles* Very cute fluff overall. Kudos! I'll be waiting for more fluffs n' stuff from you!:D

-Sailor Hannah