Reviews for Zero One Arc: Book II: Mission One
Rooj chapter 8 . 9/28/2011
I love Duo's room and Wufei's torment, that was awesome. XD
Rooj chapter 5 . 9/28/2011
Drunk Duo is by far the best.

Carpet Angels FTW!
Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 13 . 3/13/2006
It is so good! I can't wait to read more, but I have to study for a test...I think I'm sounding like a broken record...

When are Heero and Duo going to DO stuff? Not that way, but you know...cutesy stuff I guess. I like what you are writing, but it is a TEASE!

And poor Quatre...I'd never thought of that side of the story for him and I can't wait for you to develop him and Bisho more.
Bunch-o-Nuts chapter 3 . 3/1/2006
Yeah! The first one is finished and I am on to the second. I can't wait to see what happens...I just hope I finish it before my spring break is done...
KatsyKat chapter 35 . 1/20/2006
In this wonderfully composed 2nd book that I wanted to tell you that this is THE Hands-Down BEST I’ve ever read in a Gundam Wing Fanfiction in terms of your characterization. You allow each of your characters to play their individual roles according to their personality and have their characters separate from the others & yet perfectly intermingled. Each character has their own storyline… comes to their own conclusions of the situation (this is where we find in some instances that some are quicker to catch on than others…) yet all the characters (both borrowed and original) balance out on the wonderfully intricate web you have for your plot. Great job!
Thursday's Dove chapter 35 . 10/9/2005
Why should you be surprised that your readers love Yokaze? She's an excellent integration into the GW plot. It's good to see someone has kept the original GW plot, but has continued it on in their own way. Alternate Universes are good too, but keeping the original plot is always the best. That requires real talent. As always, I've enjoyed your works. Now I'm moving on to the next fic!
Yume Janai chapter 35 . 3/20/2004
Well, I'm a little late in reading your other stories as I'd promised after reading The Perfect Soldier. Reality reared its ugly head and kept fanfiction out of reach, unfortunately. Sorry about that.
I was extremely surprised at your decision to use present tense in this story. Present tense is usually my least favorite method of storytelling, but you managed to make it work rather well. As always, the characters are painted beautifully, including your original characters. Although I think I preferred Taki and Wufei while they were at each other's throats, their relationship quirks still make me laugh. The fact that Duo and Heero are growing closer (and becoming something different to each other in the process) makes me really look forward to your completion of Night Wind. I have to say, though, that my favorite romance in this story was that of Trowa and Yokaze. It was so often bittersweet that it never became dull.
I think you had at one time mentioned a change in your writing style since you believed your older stories to be too flowery. I have to say that I actually prefer the more ornate style (as in The Perfect Soldier), possibly because I believe my own imagery abilities to be my shortcoming and therefore really appreciate it in other authors' stories. Your manner of writing in this story was well done, of course, but I'm definitely a fan of pointless details.
I ought to have more to say, having made a point to read this in two sittings (I tried to do it in one, but work has a way of distracting people). Another amazingly creative work from one of my favorite authors! Can't sum it up better than that. I hope you finish Night Wind sometime in the near future. Until then, best of luck with writing!
Zwielichter chapter 35 . 2/7/2004
YAY YAY YAY! I can't wait! I know I'm becoming stalker-like reviewer, but I can't help it! I blame it all on you and your deep emotional rollercoaster-of-a-ride writing skills. I'm going start repeating my complements on you, I hope you don't mind! .~ Original, deep and mind blowing creativeness describes your stories to the letter. Can't wait to see where you're headed so I can follow! I'm the one hiding behind the moving bush _~.
Till then
Seak chapter 35 . 2/6/2004
I can't believe it, I haven't had the time to read and now, I find out that you've up and completed the story!
WOW, I love the ending, you left an opening that clearly meant you were doing a sequal and I can't wait!
You give the characters really deep, deep emotions and I love that because it usually mean angst within the story.
I have to admit that my most favorite pairing would be Taki and Wufei, they make a great couple, and their fun as well.
I can't wait to read their story.
I want to thank you on such a fantastic story and I hope to read the next sequal soon.
Zwielichter chapter 34 . 2/5/2004
He's...He's ALIVE? AH! *runs around in hysterics before running into a wall* XD oow...
Such. A good. STORY! I know I must be begging by now but please continue! There are only so many _good_ fanfictions out there that I would hate to see this one go by the wayside. It deserves much more recognition then it gets. Though it might be my rabid addiction to this story (I'M HOOKED I TELL YOU!), I feel that this story does deserve an epilogue because it doesn't feel complete. Plus you’re ending with a crazy old man, not a strong selling point if you ask me. I kid, I KID! You're probably tired of hearing my praise but to me you deserve each and every compliment. It is a truly wonderful thing to read.
Till then
Baka Jin chapter 34 . 2/5/2004
Hell yes you need an epilogue. What happened to Heero?
Molly chapter 34 . 2/5/2004
Yay! FFNet is letting me review again! So I'm going to review the last three chapters that I wasn't able to. First of all, having come to the end, I'm going to scream for more as loud as I can! You can't leave us here! You just can't! Anyway, I'm glad you told us what happened to the general, that really is the perfect revenge. Go Yokaze! Also, go Taki! I laughed so hard about Wufei's voicemail! See, anonther reason you have to continue, he has to get back at her for that. Lol! And what's Heero up to that he's not coming home? I was so sad reading his letter. Poor Duo. He's not quite sure what to think. Well, I think I covered the salient points. I'd love to see an epilouge or a new story. Please keep writing, your updates are often the highlight of my day.
Stacey chapter 34 . 2/4/2004
Love both stories. Please continue. Heero needs to come back home.
Baka Jin chapter 33 . 1/31/2004
The General just needs to die. A horribly painful death. Just go into flashback mode and have Yokaze watching him spasm and choke to death on the floor...much more gruesomely of course. Please tell me that Heero and Duo will end up together, they are so perfect for each other. The story just wont seem complete until they are. The Quatre and Bisho relationship also needs to be developed further.
Zwielichter chapter 33 . 1/29/2004
*doesn't know whether to be really happy that she'll get to see the end or really sad because its almost over* So many questions still need answers though... What's Heero looking for? Will Duo ever see him again? What DID happen to the General? Will Taki drive Wufei insane? Will anyone ever tie the knot? Do they need to tie the knot? What about Bisho and Quatre's date? Were will Trowa and Yokaze go after she's better? What about all the problems with the past popping up? Will I ever shut up?...Probably not with so many questions caused by such a good story. I really do hope you continue with this arc but I sure as heck understand if you don't. Sadly there is more to life then Anime...*sigh, then grins* _ Naw!
Till then
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