Reviews for Wicked
Guest chapter 3 . 9/9/2012
Well, this is as dark and Beautiful as the rest of ficcies. In that strange way of yours, of course.
Uryuu-Nipaa chapter 3 . 5/11/2012

So disturbing... but so awesome.
Arishandera chapter 3 . 1/28/2007

A completely new take on a HP/YGO crossover, and with Yami no Malik at the center of it all nonetheless! Though short, cuch an inspiring read all the same. You've got me itching to write something all dark and gory. Yami no Malik is such a challenging and character to write. And you've done it so nicely.
Lyoness of Avalon chapter 3 . 10/26/2005
You. Are. Insane. Very different from what I usually read. It was all right, but I like some of your other stories better.
Capricious Purple Clarity chapter 3 . 8/10/2005
Holy crap.

You rock SO HARD! Possibly the BEST darkfic I've EVER had the pleasure of reading! Yami no Malik practically sent shivers up my spine, and the whole Darkness overcoming Light bit is SO, SO very delicious. It's so hard finding a HPYGO crossover that isn't all fluffy ducks and sugary Good overshadows Evil. This is so original. Good job!
Whatever chapter 3 . 6/1/2005
Thats a very strange ending. Nice
The Chaotic Ones chapter 3 . 10/23/2004
about that band, they are great! Very good for writing too. We like this, as creepy as it was. Oh well, bye
IMPROVED Uber Rei Model 06 chapter 3 . 4/22/2004
That was so chilling! and...and so YAMI MALIK! I :loved: it! Woha! You don't see many Yami Malik-centric stories set in the HP world. That was just...poetry!
llivla chapter 3 . 3/6/2004
:thoughtful: In a weird way though, Darkness actually _didn't_ win. :blink: Darkness just moved Light to somewhere else, technically. If Darkness completely speread over the Earth, and all Light _was_ killed off, as you insinuated, then Darkness and Light were merely separated, and Life is Darkness and Death is Light. :claps: At the beginning of the fic, you said that everyone viewed Life as wonderful and 'Light' (L and L! XD) and Death as evil and 'Dark' (D and D, again XD).
So then, in this fic, everything was flipflopped! O_o;; Though have the sinking feeling that you have no idea what I am talking about...
Raspukittin chapter 3 . 1/22/2004
You just made yami no Malik my favorite character...
Marik: *cutcutsliceslice*
_*glomps marik*
Marik: *nukeclawhiscratch*
*suffersufferdiedie* X_x;
Butterfly Demon chapter 3 . 1/17/2004
good story, but i think it could have been longer
Rabidmoose chapter 1 . 12/10/2003
The one thing that bothers me about this story is how you trail the "ss"s along after Voldemort's every word. In the Harry Potter books he does not do that.
Love x Wasabi chapter 3 . 10/16/2003
Sophia: ...woah...creepy. i was shuddering the whole time i read the second and third chapter. Marik is INSANE! *shivers*

Sophie: What? I thought it was cool! Darkness SHOULD overtake the world!

Sophia: ... -_-''
Boku no Jakuishi chapter 3 . 9/28/2003
"Emerald green eyes slowly closed and a tear fell, making its wet pathway down cheekbones and skin, dripping to the ground with a small, single gasp of sound. The Boy Who Lived's chest faltered and did not rise again. And that was the end."

Now...that was what we call a Forest Gump ending...

Very interesting fanfic you've got here. I liked it a lot, though I say you could have come up with a better ending...

Loved chapter two the most, Yami no Malik makes very good points on how the Darkness shall always prevail over the light. After all, nothing can escape total absolute darkness now can it?

Being me, a crazed enviornmentalist and all for saving the animals, I almost cried when you killed of Hedwig. You should have made it Ron or Hermione D No one would have missed either that much.

Very descriptive, I like your style of writing, or a Ficu as you call it. Also, I liked when Yuugi appeared to Harry in the dream, nice touch ~ Over all excellent fanfiction. I'm going to have to read more of your writing.

-Our name is Cyn, and we are the Karma Delivery Girl-
MollyTheWanderer chapter 3 . 9/26/2003
Molly: *Shrieks, then runs away*

Kitani: Since my hikari obviously isnt around any more I will review. This was quite interesting. Though I dont approve of murder-

Molly: (from far away) yeah right. We all know you CHOOSE not to kill but above it I think not.

Kitani: Well yes...anyways, Ive yet to read something as horrific as that. And you killed Hedwig which made me very sad. In short this was fantastically evil.

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