Reviews for Never Turn Your Back on the Sea
Dees chapter 17 . 4/3/2018
I've spent the last few days reading this fic and I want to let you know I enjoyed it greatly. You've made me laugh and you made me surprised. You command of everybody's voices is wonderful and there were enough twists and turns to keep me hooked until the very last chapter.

Thank you for the wonderful read.
Gentle Kit chapter 17 . 11/17/2009
Wonderfully written fic. I'm surprised this hasn't received more reviews. I enjoyed reading it, the characterization was done quite well and it had an interesting, detailed plot. Thank you for writing and allowing me to read this. :]
staidwaters chapter 16 . 6/17/2009
very entertaining
Niko Nightwind chapter 17 . 12/22/2008
That was rather, fun... delightful little story. Originally I wasn't too sure about a coupe of points on character, but you made it fit together wonderfully, just in a style I'm not as used to dealing with. *grins and offers a mock salute* Thanks for the entertainment and time spent from when I probably ought to be doing something else...
ingvild chapter 1 . 5/30/2008
Just thought I'd let you know that this is one of the best GW stories I have ever read. I love that you have a non-romantic plot, I love that the characters feel like the characters from the show only ten years older, I love the worldbuilding, and I love the surprise best Une I've ever read at the end. I'll be reccing you.
Mad Maudlin Hart chapter 14 . 5/16/2008

Just one thing: we're fennec foxes. Desert fox is a general term, encompassing swift and kit foxes as well as fennecs.
Tarien Lakilea Tel'anor chapter 17 . 4/14/2008
Well, I loved that story. You did a very good job balancing the plot while giving everyone screen time. You also did a very good Relena. You made her human and real, which most people find hard to do. Great story! :D
Gia Pang chapter 17 . 12/27/2007
One of the most amazing, well-written, fully fleshed out Gundam Wing plot I've ever come across. I don't know how you do it, creating a story that brings in so many aspects of reality without sullying the imaginative plot. It's inspiring and more than a little humbling.

I noticed you haven't written anything in a while but if you ever do, I will definitely be one of those readers. I just want to say: thank you for writing.
Kareian chapter 1 . 10/5/2007
O...San Juan Islands. Beautiful place, (me being a WA native) awesome to see someone using our state! yeay! Awesome story so far!
Mondo-Bongo chapter 12 . 8/18/2007
Mondo-Bongo is currently busy falling in love with Mr. Hammins.

She will give your marvelous story a review once she finishes reading it...

After she finishes pining over Hammins, of course.
Erratic-Sanity chapter 17 . 7/30/2007
Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. This story was amazing! Everything was so well thought out. I loved all the subtle humor and irony through out the story. And I appreciated the little details, such as the pesto, that kept popping up. This was amazing, and a thrill to read. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into it! It was very inspiring! Keep up the excellent work!
Tani Barton chapter 17 . 11/20/2006
Oh, wow. I just spent the last two nights reading this, and I have to say that I greatly enjoyed it. You did an absolutely wonderful job of creating an atmosphere, a coherent and interesting plot, and a well-paced story. The characterizations were spot-on, and I have to say that even though Quatre is my favorite, I also really loved the attention that you paid to the other characters, Wufei in particular. This was such a lovely absorbing story. Thanks so much for writing it!
Aishuu chapter 1 . 9/4/2006
This was recced here: community.

This fic is just all kinds of awesome, thanks for a GREAT story.
Mousery chapter 17 . 9/4/2006
Great story! I loved how this was written with such detail, and it didn't feel rushed or anything. Well written indeed, thank you for sharing! :)
Markanovanlink chapter 17 . 9/2/2006
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