Reviews for Anywhere You Go
kitty chapter 37 . 9/12/2015
I really liked this story a shame it was never finished.:(
Kerr Avonsen chapter 37 . 8/24/2013
Since you haven't updated since 2006, I must assume that this is abandoned, which makes me sad.

This is so very very good. Brilliant characterisation, a deft touch. Lots of stream-of-consciousness from the various characters, Ginny and Draco and Hermione particularly, demonstrating how completely messed up they are. The Ginny PoV is particularly chilling, considering how schizophrenic it is.

The Ginny and Draco arc is so very, very good. The point where they read the diary entry in Slytherin's diary where his Muggleborn wife had been killed by her own parents, and Ginny serenely tries to commit suicide... and we find out a bit later that inner-Tom had an epiphany...

All these people with these insecurities, not in a soap-opera way, because, dammit, these situations suck dead bunnies.

It is a great pity that this won't be finished, because I would like to see some happy endings. At this point it is all struggle and hope and despair and tentative reaching out.
Oregonbird chapter 37 . 12/20/2010
Going back a bit: The tone and word useage, combined with the physical description of the scene, is perfect when you have Severus and Willow alone together.

I'm surprised that the sense of wrongness Ginny is freaking everyone out with hasn't lessened with the blending of the two personalities; but that last bit about 'something weighted and measured shifting inn her eyes' was marvelously Poe. You have so many interesting tells for Draco, the over-use of 'fuck' seems almost redundant.

I love how blunt everyone is! With such a complicated array of storylines, it's amusing and helpful to have most of the characters putting their cards on the line - balances the story. The introduction of third-tier characters is really well handled - the increasing boldness of the conservative middle-class to discuss and act out their prejudices in public is very topical, while being a universal response to social conflict. You're really very good.

But how you manage to fold in the subtle depths you do - the Bulgarian lover is a good example of that, while presented in such straightforward dialogue - I don't know!

Very much looking forward to this story NOT being dictated by the timeline of Voldemort - life does go on after he's gone, doesn't it? Or even better, shock the neighbors and let Voldemort win. I'm bored with excellent stories that don't even consider the possibility that the frost giants will win Ragnarok this time.
oregonbird chapter 13 . 12/4/2010
That is the world's most perfect love letter. Poor Hermione - she's got a keeper.
Kerr Avonsen chapter 18 . 11/17/2010
Wow. Just... wow. This is one heck of a ride. So much happening, so many people portrayed so well. Yet you haven't updated since 2006, so I fear that this story will never be finished. (is sad)
Deritine chapter 37 . 8/17/2010
Ak! Don't leave it there sheesh. Everything is all messed up and Snape and Willow are broken up etc... Though Her and Victor was getting rather teen whiney. Even so really great characterization especially Ginny.
Deritine chapter 19 . 7/8/2010
You said the sad stuff was over- but most decidedly not! The horror part was over, true. But all the reactions of the kids on freaking christmas has me bawling. Good job!

Also- the lack of scene breaks is sometimes throws me off a bit. I realize this is a formatting/ffnet problem and not your fault, but you might want to try to fix it if you feel like it.
Friglit chapter 37 . 11/29/2008
Oh my God! I'm not normally one for crossovers, but you make these two worlds fit together so smoothly! Its funny, as unlikely as a willow/snape pairing would normally seem, you write it so naturally and I just adore the way they interact. That being said, I should also point out that I am also loving how you've portrayed Ginny still dealing with the aftermath of the diary fiasco (Not to mention the newly amalgamated Tom/Ginny is pretty kick ass!)

I guess the best thing about this fic (apart from being wonderfully IC and impeccably written)is how you deal with really angsty and intricate storylines, but maintain a general aura of dry humour.

I cannot wait for the next chapter!
SharonH chapter 37 . 7/25/2008
I don't know if you abandoned this, or you're just on a long hiatus. I'm assuming you abandoned it. I just have to tell you it's fabulous. One of the better stories I've read, and I really wish it was complete.
Ruler of darkness chapter 37 . 11/28/2007
This is a good story! just wanted to give a shout out, i am not sure if you are going to finish it but i would really like to know what happend!
ShadowWren chapter 14 . 3/6/2007
Lady Almaren chapter 37 . 1/30/2007
I totally forgot how cool this fic was. It was on my fav's list but I forgot about it until just now. Please update soon!
BJCKidsX4 chapter 37 . 1/17/2007
Hi. Hope you update this at least this year, it's a good story.
heeg chapter 37 . 12/5/2006
Have you quit on this story?
GoldenFawkes chapter 37 . 10/30/2006
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