Reviews for Blinded
AuntieNora chapter 7 . 5/25/2007
I really like this so far! I don't know if you're still planning on updating (PLEASE DO!) but I'll put this on alert incase you do
Reitsch chapter 1 . 2/22/2006
This is really one of the best Kamui/Fuuma stories I have ever read, and yet, it hasn't been updated in so long [sigh] - I'm always late in finding good material.

Meanwhile, I adore your descriptive talent. When I'm reading it, I can actually see the scenes taking place *L* - And If your still having trouble finding a beta-reader, I'd be more than willing and happy to be one for you. Just email me at :)
kamikazarii chapter 7 . 12/20/2004
I like your fic, even if some of the characters seem a little...out of it, but I love how you include everybody in X Satsuki is very in character, I can picture her reprimanding Kamui & Keiichi like that! So kawaii!
smiles chapter 7 . 10/11/2004
wahh. i luv it. plz update?
Subaru's Voice chapter 7 . 2/20/2004
sodachan20 chapter 7 . 12/22/2003
Absolutely awesome! I love FuumaxKamui, and as nearly ALL X fics tend to be SS, (which I also love but have read a lot of), I was very happy to find this fic - which rocks! I just want Fuuma and Kamui to have some action. Heh heh. I can't wait for your next chapter to come out! Keep up the awesome work!
PS. I reviewed your second Gundam Seed fic but was cut off halfway through and I can't go back and rereview it - gomen nesai! Basically I just wanted to say that I loved that one as well, and it was totally not what I expected! But it was amazing, and AthrunxKira all the way! :D
Keep up the awesome work on everything! All the pairings you write I adore - so write more! _
yamatoforever chapter 7 . 11/23/2003
I wonder why Kamui say that Kotori was not his girlfriend while he acted like she was when he was near her? Yeah, Seishirou was really mean ne? Poor Subaru. he couldn't hear the unnspoken words behind Seishirou's words. Would Subaru go to Fuuma to find comfort? I think Fuuma would be very mad cause he is so protective over the people that he loves, and Subaru was one of them. Please post the next chapter quickly! Uhm, as much as I want to be your beta reader (that would make me able to read your story firs _), I know my English is so poor. But I guess you already knew it from my reviews. *sigh*
chris pwure chapter 7 . 11/22/2003
haiz, seishirou can be pretty evil sometimes, dun you think? but that's the way i like him. the whole streak of "you're mine" thing. really good. i like the relationship between fuuma and subaru too, i think they make really good frens and maybe, just maybe, lovers. but still, i will continue to like sei/subaru pairings. as well as k/f pairings. it seems that kamui and kotori are rather happy here. i'm glad you finally updated!
Lilac Dew chapter 7 . 11/21/2003
*shrug* Well, if you can't find a beta, my email's ;) Anyway, the fic's getting better and better with the Sorata/Arashi and all.

Update soon! And ciao! _
Aikawa Fuuko chapter 7 . 11/21/2003 sweet...Satsuki is so funny. *giggles*

And that interlude between Arashi and Fuuma is so sweet, too...I still haven't really figured out the true nature of Subaru and Seishirou's relationship in this yet...but it's very interesting.

You could have posted this tomorrow, since tomorrow is Seishirou-san's birthday!

And...I want to be your beta-reader! Can I? *starry eyes* Just email me if you want, ne?
Dementia-12 chapter 6 . 10/23/2003
Oh, I love this story so far! I wanted to read something like this - Au and Fuuma-centered! _

Fuuma and Subaru are so kawaii together...*melts* I'm really looking forward to the next chapter of this sweet story - please write more soon! _
SapphireDragon chapter 6 . 10/15/2003
Uh-uh. No way are you going to stop here. This is really one awesome story and I hope to read more of your work soon!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/3/2003
Really nice! Creative plot! You have to update! :3
yamatoforever chapter 6 . 9/28/2003
Gomen, gomen. You must be thinking who the hell this crazy girl talk about. It just that the internet cafe that I was in yesterday had a bad connection plus a very 'testing your temparement' mouse. I couldn't believe that I paste the wrong review and just sent it! Again, gomen nasai. I just want to tell you that I like the Fuuma/Subaru moment as much as I love Fuuma/Kamui moment in the last chapter. You know, you really make me wonder about Sei-chan. I think his reason to be so kind to Kakyou was the fact that he was Hokuto's lover. That's make me wonder about how did Hokuto die? Somehow Sei-chan seems to involve with it so it really hurted Subaru and made Sei-chan felt responsibled to visit Kakyou routinely. I also wonder about Subaru's wish. Would it be the same as in X? Well, not quite the same but involves his death also since he seems to feel so guilty about his feling to Sei-chan. I bet that Subaru stays with Fuuma would makes little Kamui feels uncomfort ne? _ Please post the next chapter quickly!
yamatoforever chapter 6 . 9/27/2003
Ah, so Lissa finally awake ne? I'm glad to read that finally Firestorm could understood the love between Lance and Lissa. You know, I wonder if Lance would hhas a time to show up. I mean everyone already knew about Lissa's ability. I want Lissa could see Lance in the same awe. I mean, I always love to see Lance's act in the tv series. His wild and sharp attack. And maybe it would makes Firestorm finally stop to call him 'boy'. _ Please post the next chapter quickly! Oh, and sorry for not signed up. Cause everytime I tried, there's appear to be an error.
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