Reviews for A Few Home Truths
emw314 chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
Very nice. Liked the way you dealt with Kennedy.
Summersfan chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
What attracts me so hard to Xander fiction is the same thing that often frustrates me; most authors want to shine him up as a hero, and assume to DO that they need to give him some power. Superpower. Male Slayer. Supersoldier. Whatever.

But the true power of his character is exhibited halfway through this story by the most powerful of the truths Faith dishes out.

"Either of us could have snapped him like a twig, didn't stop him from jumping between us to try and stop us."

No indeed. The true measure of a hero is how badly they're willing to sacrifice to save others. That's why Xander has always been a favorite. This is an excellent study of that. Top-notch.
oldhope001 chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
This is probably one of my all time favourite Buffy fics. So cheers for an awesome story.

ozma914 chapter 1 . 7/8/2006
What I like best about this story (other than the large amounts of Faithness) is that it's balanced. No undue criticism, no making any character look better or worse than he or she was. It worked well within the canon and as a stand-alone story.
Faith has quit all fandoms chapter 1 . 12/18/2005
aw! sweet! very, very sweet!

Faith snorted. "Insured? I don't even have a licence, still safer in a car with me than B though."

this cracked me up though- :lol:

wild wolf free17 chapter 1 . 9/18/2005
Good job!
MBB chapter 1 . 9/24/2004
butterflybrain chapter 1 . 12/12/2003
Aww, hugs all round!
Mistress of Pain chapter 1 . 11/26/2003
*woho* This short story was so packed with everything cool!

Kennedy bashing - Xander's heroism - the softer side of Faith - Tara glorification - Scooby language - witty comments

What else can I say? Well, I still think Kennedy just never had a chance to develope in character, still threatening her 'coz of her bluntness is way up my alley.

Xander's bravery sometimes gets lost - everything he has done without any superpowers. YAY!

The bit about Tara made me wanna cry again - they definitely killed the wrong girl off.

Really fascinating how much truth one author can pack in less than 20 words! (Still think noone besides the X-Man knows about the happenings during the Zeppo...)

Guess I have to read it again. :o)
Sayra Louise chapter 1 . 11/19/2003
I am starting to get the feeling your almost as pro Xander as I am. Am thinking I'll go work through the rest of your fic just for my Xander fix (Faith, Dawn and him are prolly the only Scoobs I'm even slightly missing- lol, make them real why don't I?).

I like this. From the stuck up rich kid comments to the fringe benefits to the comment on B's driving skills.

WBH21C chapter 1 . 8/5/2003
GREAT! Like how you finished it.
Dana Poole Rules chapter 1 . 7/8/2003
really good - i liked it: it was light but covered a lot of history.
Mad Minute chapter 1 . 6/15/2003

Maybe next time Kennedy will do some homework before she opens her face, lest she find it pushed in. :-D

Y'know, people keep seeing Faith in 'Want, Take, Have' mode; it's usually only fics like this that remind them that she can actually have other notes to her personality. I happen to like Faith when she gets all 'Mama Bear' like this. :-D
Tobert chapter 1 . 6/14/2003
good story. I still coulda gone for kennedy getting a bitch slap or two;) oh well, maybe next time.
RobC chapter 1 . 6/14/2003
Good story, it felt a bit rushed in places, but overall very good.
