Reviews for Reflection
darkangel0212 chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
keep up the good work on your story
DocBevCulver chapter 16 . 11/15/2005
I hope that sometime soon, in the near future, that things will slow down and get better so that you may continue this story. The plot is excellent and I've truly enjoyed reading what has been posted. I hope that you haven't given up on it!

*Sending good vibes and well wishes*
Shoomy2003 chapter 16 . 9/19/2005
The cycle starts again?'s too good a story to just end it that way. When life gets back on track, keep writing. You're too good of a writer to just give up like that. Good luck in the future.
Shoomy2003 chapter 14 . 9/19/2005
Ah-ha! You explained my question very well. Your story is extremely linear and never seems to lose its footing on the plot, which is great! I love it!
Shoomy2003 chapter 13 . 9/19/2005
I'm a little confused by this part, not because I don't know what's going on, but rather because you had stated earlier that after Tenshik had died, Sesshoumaru had gone and yelled to his father, "She's dead, are you happy now?". So... was he yelling at his father's grave?
tenshi yuki1 chapter 2 . 6/27/2005
AWsome story! will u reivew mine? plz
ChIbI rIn chapter 15 . 12/20/2004
upd8 onegai
Yasashisa chapter 1 . 9/21/2004
Yeah I like it! would you get inu out of the story hm...oh well I'll leave that up to you. I'll read the other chapters later I have to eat know bye bye!
ookami-san chapter 6 . 7/15/2004
i love the story
SkyblueSunshine chapter 13 . 6/21/2004 the beginning of the chapter, i actually thought tenshik was evil! or something...anyway, wishe you would update soon...
SkyblueSunshine chapter 9 . 6/21/2004
aww...already the sessy/kag romance begins! *squeals* don't you just lOVE sesshy's unpredictable attitude? *sighs* great chappie!
SkyblueSunshine chapter 8 . 6/21/2004
WAHAHAA! the last part was so funny! lol, inubaka (lol) can read? modern day language?

SkyblueSunshine chapter 5 . 6/21/2004 that was kinda confusing...

so..uh..that's a drea...hehe...ya...

wow, i was actually caught up in kagome's confusion, frustration...T.T...great chappie!
SkyblueSunshine chapter 4 . 6/21/2004
wa! you should REALLY put a divider or something between the author's notes and the story! i mean, one second it's the entrancing story, and then,'s notes?, you ask yourself.

lol, and update, update!
SkyblueSunshine chapter 2 . 6/21/2004 should realli update more often, if you can! it's hard waiting for one chappie every 4 months! (srry, heh,) neway, sango seemed a bit mean this chapter, but otherwise the chappie was very nerve-wracking, which equals good. it's good to be able to draw emotions out of readers.
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