Reviews for Anatomy of a Voyeur
anotherbuskitten chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
I love this, mostly when Bill and Fleur are talking. Great story
Samesinlove chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
Birgitta Weaslüy

Love that name! xD My mom has it (the prenom) and she swears noone knows it. I've got to tell her that you from the US used it :D Well,she is from Germany, and the ü is more german than norwegian (we don't have it, only ones like the crossed out o:ø).

How did you come to this name?

No really, it's funny, because people here even cannot spell it correctly, they write brigitta always.. lol

I like the story, too. Otherwise I wouldn't have read it. Hermione as a voyeur doesn't fit, but who cares.

I really would appreciate an answer, if you're still on sometimes, and you telling me how you thought up that name xDDD
Twinkle-star15 chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
I absolutely loved this story, and I normally hate any hint of Ron/Hermione. Gorgeous, and I loved the relationship between Bill and Fleur- and, of course, the sex scene. Beautifully well-written, and incredibly hot.

"My heart. I will be your anything, but please don't stop…!"

I'm not fluent in French, but I'm doing it in college, and this would be more like:

Mon coeur (or 'mon chou-fleur'). Je serai n'importe que tu veux, mais s'il te plait n'arrete jamais!

[I'm not sure if that's perfect, so you might want to check it with a native French speaker.]

Fleur would never use 'vous' as that is the French equivalent of 'usted' as opposed to 'tu'. And really raises a whole load of other issues about that slave thing :-P.
Sarah chapter 1 . 6/28/2010
This is the greatest story of all time. I know you wrote it 7 years ago, but write more. PLEASE!
DA Jones chapter 1 . 4/16/2010
This is one of the best pieces of Harry Potter writting I've ever read. It's by far the best portayal of pure sexual love I've read and I've read several hundred fanfics here and elsewhere. This applies to Bill/Fluer but also Hermione/Ron. Brillant!

I normally leave them well rounded reviews, but there is nothing I can say. I believed every bit of this fic.
French chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
Mon coeur. Je serai votre quelque chose, mais svp ne m'arrête pas: "My heart. I will be your anything, but please don't stop…!"

Mon coeur je serai tout ce que tu voudras mais s'il te plaît ne t'arrêtes pas!

It's better ...
kutnerlove chapter 1 . 10/25/2009
Auntie Griselda? A Monkees fan? If so I'm even more pleased! Brilliant story!
Caris chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
I've probably read this story about a thousand times. I just love it, so well written. Cheers!
Haribob chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
ohh.. STEAMY! and VERY BAD hermy. you should write one about ROn and Hermione, and I must agree with hermy, Ron would have a very nice back.
MidnightBlack07 chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
I know this story's quite old but I couldn't not leave a review because only one word came to mind when it was all over: AMAZING. The flow of the words and the blatantness of the beautiful bond between Bill and Fleur is something that is far from common in fanfiction, or even published fiction for that matter! please do continue to write, you're quite talented :)
squibalicious chapter 1 . 1/29/2009
Just recently drank the "Harry Potter" Kool-Aid and started reading the fanfic. Love this story.
grindylow07 chapter 1 . 12/1/2008
So I realize this is like... 5 years old... but I just found it, and it's wonderful.
Beatrisu chapter 1 . 10/29/2008
This is quite likely the best BillFleur fic I have read. On this page.

Because most of the authors here... ahem... Well.

You rock. For real. You rock. I just sort of stumbled across this, and I fell in love with your writing. So thank you for writing! XD It was awesometastic!

And I don't even really like Fleur!
J.J. Brown chapter 1 . 6/28/2008
ok first I have to say I am reading this out of a forum of a good friends fave stories and I normally don't read Bill and Fleur stories because I don't like her in the books. But you may have changed my mind and I must go read more! Amazing story love voyeur Hermione!
Just Some Human chapter 1 . 6/13/2008
this is great.

i love how its kind of centered around ron/hermione as well as bill/fleur.

i love both of those pairings, and them both together in this is wonderful.

your advectives and descriptions were magnificent,

and perfectly in character.

nice job )
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