Reviews for Don't Call Me Kallen: My Name Is Zero!
shuujin.takagi chapter 5 . 9/8
Se ve interesante, espero que actualices pronto
xfel chapter 5 . 9/8
Huh, that guy Calares actually has some skill here. Nice to see. However, he's trapped here with them, not the other way round.

Also, did that move just cut off his own reinforcements? Maybe not so smart after all...
GLaDOS2.0 chapter 4 . 9/3
It's gonna be REAL interesting to see how Kallen pilots the guren and give commands as zero.

In response to the author's note though, or more pertinently, the reviews that caused them, it's worth noting that Kallen is assuming the mantle of zero at the perfect time. She's very good at on the spot thinking, an expert devicer, and had a front row seat to most of zero's miracles, she just lacks large scale tactics experience. This would be concerning if she was facing down Schniezel and Cornelia right out the gates, but she's not. There's no time skip after the rebellion, Cornelia's out of commission, Schniezel's still dealing with the EU and China, and Charles and VV doesn't give a damn. Unless she's really unlucky, she's going to be dealing with inept viceroys and maybe knights of the round. The former isn't worth caring about (Seriously out of the hundreds of kids Charles had, only a handful were worth a damn, it's hardly any wonder he didn't care about his kids) and the latter plays into Kallen's skillset. She has plenty of time to get experience, has Tohdoh to lean on for tactical support if needed, and the looming "what would Lelouch do" mindset these kind of traumas induce. The above issue not withstanding, she could deff be a solid choice to follow in Zero's footsteps, especially when she has the most important part, belief in Zero's dream.

...she is however, 100% gonna give herself away in front of the power players of the black knights at some point. Hopefully after she's done a decent job as zero and they let her keep the mask without strong arming her out of the position or try and make her a puppet leader.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/26
I actually like your fanfic I'm interested on how far it will go.
name chapter 3 . 8/22
is nunna going to join the black knights?
LakasFictionFTW chapter 4 . 8/24
Let me start by saying I hope you don't drop this fic. For some reason, many unique Code Geass fics end up dead early on. I hope this doesn't happen. While there are some issues(, I am enjoying this story very much. It is certainly a fic that to my best knowledge hasn't been done before. I wish you the best in continuing this fic. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/22
Nice story. But like many other pointed out , kallen is not a fighter not an commander. She should tell oghi and tohdoh, since they are much better then her in commanding.
Goose chapter 4 . 8/21
There's already someone with Kallen who has Lelouch's charisma and intellect: Nunnally
Guest chapter 4 . 8/21
When will someone start noticing how Zero walks, speaks and pilots differently?
Guest chapter 4 . 8/21
This is good, I like this
Goten Askil chapter 4 . 8/22
God, please don't give a Geass to Kallen. The whole point of the story is to have Kallen as Zero, not some Mary Sue with superpowers coincidentally called Kallen. And for the record, I do believe it's possible for her to win this as she is, just like I think Lelouch's crusade without Geass would have been much harder but still possible (with a few adjustments to the setting to have him survive Shinjuku of course).
Anyway, she's already the best pilot in the world and quite good at on-the-fly tactics, and she can use Zero's well-built mystique to give even her mistakes the appearance of success. A Geass would be overkill. This chapter was the perfect example of that.
Of course, there should be difficulties on the way, and I'm sure the first ones will be coming soon. I can't wait to see how she'll manage (long term) people like Xingke or Schneizel, who bested Lelouch at his own game. Jeremiah should be a bothersome opponent unless Nunnally is there to stop him. And obviously the Geass Order and associated immortals. This story will be great!
ThatIndieReviewer chapter 4 . 8/22
Oh no worries about Kallen. I want her to live more than anything. It's just good to remain mindful of our cast and know the limitations of the characters. If anything I think this is much batter than what I was thinking of. She's tepid, unsure and wants more than anything to live up to another's legacy. But it's great that she pulls of this performance with ease, I love that the battles can still have a level of action familiar with Kallen and I really like how this initial spat is won over and we can progress onto the next big battle. You did very well to exceed expectations.
xfel chapter 4 . 8/22
Good job showing the differences between Kallen and Lelouch. The prison break wasn't as meticulously planned out as Lelouch's operations, but it worked.

Interesting that Tohdoh took Zero's side so readily, but then again he was just rescued swiftly, and it's probably a good bit of calculus on his side. Right now, the Black Knights still have momentum, and they should use it accordingly.

One point of critique: You should mention the type of Kallen's knightmare earlier. While I figured that it was probably the crowned Burai, it's a bit weird to go into the fight not knowing this.
Kaiya Azure chapter 4 . 8/21

On the bright side, Kallen managed to pull that off quite well.
Forthwith16 chapter 4 . 8/21
omg, Kallen's reaction to the news of Cornelia's disappearance was so on point.
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