Reviews for Indian Ball
Guest chapter 1 . 9/20
Good to see Padma in a story. I always thought that setting Ron up with an identical twin was the only way to stop his jealousy about whoever Harry's date ended up being ... but given that Harry ended up sleeping with Ron's date, I guess that normal rules of bro code don't apply. For the record, I approve, Ron has never treated others with the respect that he expects, so Harry would be a fool to turn down a good thing.
Jimbocous chapter 1 . 9/19
Peya Luna chapter 1 . 8/23
you know, i always thought that padma wouldve been the better date for harry, someone he couldve enjoyed the evening with...if he hadnt been so distracted by the big pouting prat.
oh, and kudos for putting the sisters into saris, i was quite angry with the ball-outfits they wore in the movie - why would someone with clear indion roots *not* wear a beautiful sari?!
Bountyhunter1977 chapter 1 . 8/22
To bad this is not a ongoing story as I do like this pairing , and most add pairing for Harry, as it can give unique ideas on saving the problems and how he goes about the tasks.

I can still see him using the bathroom to listen to the egg but having Padma with him and then coming to the core CT conclusion that the hostages is not in real danger. And he will need a lot off practice swimming and Padma can teach him in the very large bath tub and of course they can take advantage of the alone time for more fun.

Who knows he can slip away during the summer to India when she goes to visit relatives and that can put a well deserved wrench in his plans. And maybe they will have a easy way to remove the soul fragment with out him dieing.
keller.blair1 chapter 1 . 8/19
Well you imply Hermione would sleep with that thick head was rather off putting
Cleddyf chapter 1 . 8/17

Wish this continued, I like Padma, she's rarely used and can be interesting. :)

Thank you for writing.
PGHammer chapter 1 . 8/10
Okay - Padma Patil INSTEAD of one of the Usual Suspects (Hermione Granger, Ginevra Weasley, Susan Bones, or Daphne Greengrass) - why not? Fourth year is the only place we get even a glimpse of EITHER Patil - and the one we get the biggest glimpse OF is Padma (remember, she is Ron's date to the Yule Ball). Like Daphne, she is friends with Hermione; amazingly, she is the ONLY Ravenclaw that is friends with Luna Lovegood (which, considering that Luna is ALSO a Ravenclaw, says quite a bit *bad* about the Eagles - and even about Filius Flitwick, their Head of House). More is known about Padma than is known about Daphne Greengrass - further, dating Padma would certainly be an advantage for a Political!Harry to pursue. I'm actually nearly as guilty as Ron is in ignoring Padma (I've never written a Harry/Padma scene - despite having written more than one HarryMulti - whassamattame? Yes; I'm blaming ME - not Padma.)
Cateagle chapter 1 . 8/8
A most enjoyable one-shot with lots of potential for sequels should the mood strike your muse. I could see Ron's continuing prat-titude driving away several witches.
GBTtown chapter 1 . 8/5
very good
MickJ chapter 1 . 8/3
Really nice mix of sexy and sweet. Nicely titillating in the passionate moments, but still had the sweet "Harry just trying to figure out what is going on " storyline.
WhiteElfElder chapter 1 . 8/2
Too bad Harry did not try to use the ability to speak with snakes when he licked her entrance.
gmhribrahimsoleh89 chapter 1 . 8/2
Love your ideas and how you put them into words. A rarely use pairing and i hope you can expand on it. Or can make it into a 4-way, add Hermione and Pansy. Hermione because she know Ron’s character and frankly a lot of girls will be turn off. Pansy because why not? It will be interesting on how Harry find out that Pansy is emotionally and physically attracted to him.
Adam Casto chapter 1 . 8/2
Great story. Dialogue felt a little off but other than that highly enjoyable. So rare to see harry/Padma without parvati being thrown in as well or vice versa.
Belle Morte Rising chapter 1 . 8/2
Really hope this is not one shot story, i'd love to read more, loved it.
Yaw6113 chapter 1 . 8/1
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
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