Reviews for Knights of Potter
Azaira chapter 5 . 9/8
"The teachers still didn't do anything. But that could be because everyone was frozen in shock and awe, even Dumbeldore."

What. The. Fuck.
If you can't figure out what is wrong with this line - and paragraph - I don't know how to help you.
Also, having more than one "speaking" in a paragraph is a continuous issue that seriously needs to be resolved. One perspective per paragraph.
Azaira chapter 4 . 9/8
"turning into well... this."
turning into... well, this.
My Advice: Speaking something in your mind or out loud will help with the what and where for using punctuation.

You're -is- You are
Conjunctions can be confusing, but they are essentially two words in one. If you are confused on which to use, write both words out. If the two words fit, you can merge the words. If they do not(don't) fit, then you use the other version.
(English Sux, but it does allow for more expression than most other languages)
Azaira chapter 3 . 9/8
"I'm talking!" She said, "No, I'm talking!"
You have two people talking within the same paragraph. This is one of the worst no-no's when writing. There's so many issues that come from doing this.
Azaira chapter 2 . 9/8
Missing/Misspelled/Wrong words are apparently a common issue.
I'd suggest a beta, but a word processor should work just fine. MSWord*

"Her body would sadly never fully develop, and picking up a sword and wielding it was not possible."
Arthuria is literally stuck in her 15 year old body. She might have reached near her maximum height, but she would never properly grow or fill out. More than that, both magecraft and magic literally makes statement ridiculously flawed. Magecraft barely cares about physical limits or issues, while magic would just fix it (accidentally or purposeful).
Azaira chapter 1 . 9/8
I like the start, but your grammar needs some fixing. I can actually mostly ignore the punctuation - despite how a missing comma can change the meaning of a sentence - but having entire words missing is a real problem.

"I will give you my daughter!".

It's easy to figure out that there should be a 'not' in the sentence, but it reads opposite of the situation and breaks narrative.

As for the story itself, I only have two issues to pick at so far.

"Do tell why do you assume this? From masters' explanation, I was given the impression this Dumbeldore is the second coming of Merlin. A great leader of the Light is he not?"
...Where in HELL did this notion come from?! There's literally no indication to link such. Especially if they know of Japan, since they would also know the only possible link of 'headmaster' is the head of an institution of some sort. Even then, just having the title does not preclude power, just influence.

Second, and I'm ignoring the oddity of Mordred not killing Diumbles after his threatening spiel, is the contradiction of the paper, Dumbledore attempting to secure the Potter vaults, and him finding them alive. If Dumbledore is moving on Gringotts, he would have had to have taken care of the political side already, temporarily, which would have declared them dead, which would make reversing such difficult, which... Basically, it's a twisted knot that doesn't really make much sense.
god of all chapter 5 . 8/28
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Hikari Nova chapter 1 . 8/26
ummm a couple of times you've referred to morgan who i'm guessing is fem harry as a male instead of female as it's confusing with you switching between the 2 gender pronouns when talking about morgan
Sakura Lisel chapter 1 . 8/25
Hey you made a mistake during Dumbledores talk with Lily about Morgan. He said 'please hand over HARRY' instead of 'Morgan'. *lol* you should check to see if the 'Harry' name doesn't pop up elsewhere in the chapter in place of the 'Morgan' name.
god of all chapter 4 . 8/22
Great chapter and story so far please continue this story soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20
Theirs no need for albus scenes because the summary said they killed Voldemort sonthiers no need him to have plans he can finally relax and be a teacher that ruind a potential good story for me.
Z.L.C. genesmith chapter 4 . 8/20
I get the feeling that Ruby left out the Alter Ego, Foreigner and Beast classes deliberately... And I don't blame her. The information needed to comprehend the Foreigner class alone is enough to bogle the mind, and NOT in a good way. And the Beast class? Anyone of the entities that fall into that class would send most, if not all wizards running for the hills, screaming their heads off in sheer terror.
Narriz chapter 4 . 8/20
From all the servants, or even Archerko,
Why Illya?
Onishin Tsukitenshi chapter 3 . 8/15
Your grammar needs a lot of work, but to be honest, it's to be expected, as you're from Luxembourg, indicating that English is likely not your first language. Keep working on your grammar; it's just about the only real issue I can find in your stories. Well, that and you should probably separate sentences into different paragraphs a little more. Other than that, your stories are pretty good. I look forwards to seeing how they progress and improve.
WindbornesWord chapter 3 . 8/14
Grammar needs serious work. Pacing feels weird as well.
Vorrox chapter 3 . 8/14
Damn, I am loving this story! This is really good. Grammar could use more work but at least it's not unreadable, and I am really looking forward to future chapters and how you take this story.
Love and Peace,
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