Reviews for An Arc in Minecraft
Fushes chapter 1 . 7/23
Do a Dream Cameo.
1v2 chapter 1 . 7/24
this is a good start, i can't wait to read what happens next

and yeah i think ya should add female mobs in this fic, to give jaune a harem [[ jaune/harem one of my fav pairings ]] maybe ya can use the female mobs from Minecraft Waifu Webtoon [[ found it on mangapark dot net ]]

or use female characters from other series in this fic or even monster girls

anyway i got an idea for this fic and if ya open to hearing it please look below for it if not then ignore it

when jaune's transcripts were revealed i always thought it was never far that only jaune had to suffer consequences alone especially when he was abandoned by his so called friends that's when i realize that this should start a witch hunt, the vale council having people going over the paperwork and past of each beacon student to make sure everything's in order

this would lead to

blake being expelled and/or arrested [[ she is a former member of the white fang and i'm pretty sure she never went to combat school

yang would be expelled and/or arrested [[ wrecking juniors bar, and anger issues and a few other things ]]

ruby would be expelled and sent back to combat school, she may have skipped but without the right paperwork filled out and filed, [[her principal from the combat school she went to forgot to fill out and fill the necessary paperwork needed to skip two years and enter beacon ]] well she is outta there

weiss would be expelled and sent back home to atlas, why? cause far as i know she never went to combat school [[ or any school for that matter, do think she was homeschooled though ]] and only had tutors to teach her and well if she does not have the paperwork showing she passed the necessary courses well like ruby she is outta here

ren and nora would be would be expelled for the fact they themselves never went to combat school, they are orphans and ya need to pay to go to combat school, far as i know they merely traveled together trying to survive and learned how to fight that way

pyrrha would NOT be expelled, but all the people who she her as pyrrha and not the invincible girl are either gone or like CVFY, Sun, Neptune don't want anything to do with her, all others would see her as the invincible girl and not be friends with her or try to use her

so what do you think?
X3runner chapter 1 . 7/24
Nice start hope things keep getting fun.
kingbean777205 chapter 1 . 7/23
nice but do have to make team rwby and npr hate him ruby and pyrrha saw jaune save cardin so why does team rwby and npr hate him?
MM Browsing chapter 1 . 7/23
did you get the idea from "Goshujinsama to Yuku Isekai Survival"

nice touch with raphtalia

well short i feel a bit piss other then Ozpin, CVFY, Sun, Neptune and his family no one was there to support jaune

jaune had die as a huntman should be yet what happen the rest of the team and former friend where they being lazy and irresponsible where jaune save a whole village by himself

did they grief, ashamed, guilt

what is the goal/subjective in the story
like once jaune master his power of minecraft able to build, farm, brewing, fly around, eagle eye (able to see far away land), music, so on

will jaune return back to remnant visit the village he save and build a city
save a kingdom by building a wall like snap of a finger against the grimm
will his former friend and teachers (glynda) come and ask for forgiveness

will jaune semblance/aura going to have any effect minecraft
asonia99 chapter 1 . 7/23
"i was mastubating! " that's one way of repelling the grim i guess lmao .
good start imo .
MidKnightMoonglow99 chapter 1 . 7/23
All honesty - could have had a cleaner start, but it was not entirely a bad one. Hopefully things will become more consistent once Jaune’s entered the Overworld.

As for how this story will plod along, I do hope you’ll produce a sense realism in regards to how the Jaune develops and learns the elements of this new world - no taking the easy way out and have him know everything and speed through things. Jaune will have the lean to survive in a cruel world with on idea what he’s doing and ‘hopefully’ with only one life.
Hardcore Mode. Got to make things interesting after all.

As for the female mod thing... I’ll say to not do that, to a point anyways. The only exceptions on this, for me personally, would be for female Villagers or female Illagers (witches included).
I’d also place the possibility on the table that Jaune could meet Alex (and possibly Steve) at some point, since they’re technically apart of the game too.

- Just some advice to consider, while I’m at it:
Maybe take out the POV markers (they’re completely unnecessary). You could instead replace them with ether a line break or some type of divider. This might help to clean the layout up a tad. Bulking things out some more would be nice too, but that’s something which will come along with time.

Anyways, best of luck.
Till next.