Reviews for Physical Perfection
jojoDO chapter 1 . 7/31
Let me just start this rational, clear-headed review with these simple impartial words: YOU ARE A GOD AMONG MEN. I WORSHIP THE GROUND YOU WALK ON. I WOULD KISS YOUR FEET WERE I NOT BOUND BY LAPTOP SCREEN.

So onto the review. First of all... this is one of my favorite pairings! Anyone who really knows me knows Leona is my bae, and Iori... well... I live vicariously through Iori, okay? Let's face facts here. I wish I could put myself in his stupid bondage pants for one night of passion with bae! xD

The sex was very by-the-book. That doesn't mean it was bland, boring, or anything negative! It was just a very fundamental performance. Foreplay, oral, passionate lips and tongue swapping, penetration... everything was nice and neat like clockwork. But obviously the MAJOR theme here is what's to be admired: you came into this story with a specific vision, and you saw that vision through. And it shone beautifully here; the scars. It's all about the scars. The battered, war-torn bodies of two lovers, and how those two see beauty in it. THAT'S what this story is all about. To take such a small inspiration like a Fire Emblem lezzie pic, and turn it into THIS? This timeless classic? You are a lemon lemon GOD.

So I say to you, Rob... kudos. As always, you command undying respect with your lemony exploits. You're a true prodigy. You know, I've watched you grow so much. From having just ONE Andy x Mai lemon, to truly beginning to explore with those two... to getting bolder and writing the greatest Terry x Mary in existence... to exploring the utter sexual DEPTHS with Mai and a fantastic Butt Maid... and this just feels like another step in your evolution, Rob. You're truly amazing.
Indy DeLarge chapter 1 . 7/25
"Because fighting was her very soul, and without it, she'd be dead inside" I loved that! It digs into a lot of threads of Leona's characterisation with few words.

I smiled when I read her hair was changing its colour, it never came to my mind that that could happen to her during sex but it makes A LOT of sense lol. On top of the scars having her on the edge of losing control gave this story a very intimate turn , the fact that she would trust Iori with her life was heartwarmingI'm glad you wrote this, it's nice to read a fic of these two between the drought.
RinoaDestiny chapter 1 . 7/20
So, Iori and Leona - the two cursed Orochi lovers and one of my favorite fanon ships. :)

As I mentioned on Discord, I really enjoyed how the perspective shift between Leona and Iori during this entire fic is pretty much flawless, in that I don't feel jerked helter-skelter from one POV to the next. It flows well. Also, the description of their takes on this relationship is great. Not quite a couple, but not friends with benefits, either; yet, they enjoy each other's company. I like how Leona's a bit more in tune with her feelings, whereas Iori gets that tingle in his chest and doesn't know what that means. However, the fact that they enjoy being with each other is lovely and that final falling asleep in the bed together is just perfect. I love that Iori doesn't just leave her and go.

As for the sexiness, they just go right into it. They know exactly what they want and they know how to please each other, which is a beautiful detail. Also, the scars! I *love* how they admire the "badges" of each other's status as a fighter and the little mention of their callused fingers (shit yes!). Got a good chuckle out of Kyo tagging Iori hard with a burn scar and how Iori relates that to Leona. In the same way, Leona's little tale about her scar with the operation at the brothel was also chuckle-worthy, as her closing line is pure win.

The other thing I adored was how they entrusted each other's lives in each other's hands. Iori trusts Leona not to cut loose in her complete Orochi form and Leona trusts him to do the same. Her hair turning red at the tips, along with her eyes being speckled with red is a gorgeous detail. The fact that both of them find imperfection to be perfection is a beautiful meaning and one I feel our society loses in the race to be "flawless". Love that for these two fighters, their scars is a part of who they are and they accept each other fully in that regard.

Hits all the right notes for me. :) Awesome job, Rob.