Reviews for Emperor predicts Ace Attorney 7
jonathanstevanopasaribu2 chapter 1 . 7/24
Hey i want to ask what's with the whole dakoolguy "John Phoenix" thing going on and why is he reviewing in other stories to include his oc,oh and why are you stealing the name of his oc and then change a few letter of the name,again i hope you don't take this as a hate comment i am just hoping to know what's going on on this fandom
Horny the Ram chapter 1 . 7/20
The amount of bull spewed by dakoolguy and his cultists are amazing.
yankeegal13 chapter 1 . 7/19
I agree, it's always fun to see new characters to the roster, however I'm ok not seeing john Phoenix in the roster as well as won't miss him in fanfics. I'd rather stick with characters who the fans have considered mainstream already. We need more Klathena focused sickfics. Klavier taking care of Athena is fine. As far as theories go, yes a majority of my theories involve Athena to some extent or another extent.
Azu Dazu chapter 1 . 7/19

emperor has to eventually be put in the char roaster
Capcom chapter 1 . 7/19
I am Capcom and Ace Attorney 7 will be about Shoe the Cat
dakoolguy chapter 1 . 7/19
Sorry but Emperor is not being added to character roaster any time soon. We have to put John Phoenix back first.

John Phoenix Games chapter 1 . 7/19
This is false, Ace Attorney 7 will actually be about John Phoenix and not Emperor. I work at Capcom so I know this. They are bringing Takumi back to writing the main series and it will be his magnum opus, with 20 episodes and over 300 hours of play time. Because of this it takes very long to develop and all of the HD Trilogy ports and season 2 of the anime are just there to keep the gap filled. The game will come out in late 2030.