Reviews for Arma Roma
Posaitan chapter 9 . 7/30
I love it really but Percy stopping Zoe from attacking multiple times seems fairly dumb. If he's really been with the hunters than he'd know they can handle themselves. Also he would have gotten killed for being such an overprotective sexist.
LilBumkin chapter 9 . 7/30
Cliff hangers suck
AWESOME1356 chapter 9 . 7/30
cool chapter
Yesse2362 chapter 9 . 7/30
Fuck! U left us with a cliffhanger...
Im pretty sure ur not a person that kills the main characters like in got, But one can never be sure.
I would recommend playing or at least watch assassin creed odyssey.
There was also this shitty boar and I died like 11 times before I killed it because of the mini boars that distracted me and blocked my path.
There are also other creatures like the Sphinx, maybe u could use that/use the riddles of her, they were pretty difficult.
Or Medusa, she used stone statues as fighter for example.
Anyways, nice as always and different from combat Tombats so yeah, liked it.
LilBumkin chapter 8 . 7/26
Love the assassins creed odyssey reference!
Yesse2362 chapter 8 . 7/26
Hey, thanks That u mentioned me!
Also while u said it was mainly fluff again the story developed a bit and it also showed a bit of the relationship of all the characters.
Im interested if Artemis will still let him hunt with her and if Zoë is still important( Zoë was important wasn’t she? I read so much and with all that school stuff because of the virus I’m not sure anymore sorry)

You also left kind of a cliffhanger/ a good ending so I’m looking forward to the fight of that boar and I would recommend that Percy will fail the fight with brute strength so instead has to use some trick.
Maybe drowning it or stuff idk.
Bye and see u hopefully soon
Greeks 4ever chapter 3 . 7/20
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
fucking copy cat.
HappyWhale chapter 3 . 7/20
I think it’s interesting, it follows the same plot mostly, but the characters are much different.
Yesse2362 chapter 7 . 7/22
Cute Preyna.
Seems a bit cheesy I had never a boy or girlfriend before though so I can’t really say how that is.
Maybe a bit of a filler but develops the character a bit so I liked this chapter.
What about Zoë by the way ?
Wasn’t she also, idk ,interested‘ in this?
Bye and see u
Yesse2362 chapter 5 . 7/19
Very good chapter and a cheesy Moment.
Good ending and I’m looking forward to more, bye
Yesse2362 chapter 3 . 7/19
Combat tombats imperator was on my opinion to ooc and Percy does not really like power, sure he’s roman but that’s it.
Anyways, as good as always, I’m a bit disappointed that the fight ends in a tie.
Im sure percy could win that.
Yesse2362 chapter 2 . 7/19
That was good!
Your writing stile is pretty good and ur name is hilarious.
The idea is more or less the idea from kombattombat but it’s nice so that’s no problem.
Do I also plan on making preyna?
I personally like this shipping and also like perlia so I’m sure we could be best friends.
Bye and I hope I’ll update some time again.
(As guest because I’m on vacation but my reall acc is Yesse2362 so... you can pm me there if u must(
Unknown Outlaw chapter 6 . 7/20
wouldn't be funny if when reyna see's venus she finds out that she is also crushing on percy
LoyalToaster chapter 3 . 7/18
it's a bit too close for comfort to start out with CombatTombats. The account name is still pretty close and I know you kinda give credit, but I can't help but hope you branch off of his work rather quickly. like, hopefully next chapter and this was the only one that is remotely close to it, unless you have permission I guess to build off of his ideas in a separate way, you know? otherwise, the last bit of dialogue was confusing, as you have somewhat of a problem designating the subject of a sentence and who is speaking sometimes. I hope you continue all the same.
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