Reviews for The Anime Director
To Broach Or To Put up chapter 1 . 8/1
this is actually good, it has been some time since i laughed at a fics comedy. good job!
Epsilon Tarantula chapter 2 . 7/23
...Welp, that does it. Donny, you shall now suffer my wrath.

Not because of this, because Soul Eater was already lewd as heck and proud of it, but because you have reminded me that you now owe me a favor as I endure Immunology in the summer. You'll get it now...
Doom King of Latveria chapter 2 . 7/21
... so you really DID inspired (or copy it) from Dorkly, huh? (-_-))

But you know what, (Beep!) that! I love how you did in this story'! :D

I was hopping to see Anime characters get his own fan-made animation parody like how Dorkly channel with other video game franchise. Seriously, you did great job despite you just making this story' a dialogue one ;)

Say, i heard do you take request? *Smile innocently*
PinkRose2006 chapter 2 . 7/21
Me:. *Desperately tries to banish this chapter from my head* I'm still FOURTEEN, goddammit! And this was rated freakin' T!

Katashi Kurosawa: I thought you've already learned to read at your own risks when it's Donny writing...

Me: SHUT UP YUUREN- Wait...What are YOU doing here?

Katashi: Ehh...Go figure?

Me: ...
Epsilon Tarantula chapter 1 . 7/20
Oh god, you did it. *Cocks shotgun* Korra, let's kill him!

Korra: You sure? Pretty certain this guy's gonna do his little smear campaign like...y'know... *Gestures to the out-of-universe AND in-universe hate*

Me: Oh fine, I'll find a way to kill this anime director myself! Guts, BRING DOWN THE DRAGONSLAYER!

Guts: Just to be clear, he IS the guy who thought it'd be a good idea to make my show's sequel some weird 2D/3D hybrid that DIDN'T work like those French shows?


Griffith: I actually don't mind you killing him. There are some levels of evil that even I won't sink to.

Me: ...You're the only character who got the good animation and you did something so horrific no Abridged Series would ever DARE tackle it. You just want to expose Donny to the rest of the Godhand so he'll become an Apostle and leave the Jibakushin behind.

Void: Well, we DO have taste.

Me: That is true. Gore does indeed have more taste than gothic edginess. Still, I shudder at what horrific form he'd turn into as an Apostle...

Griffith: Is it similar to this Pharaoh-girl you have here? I must say, she looks very much like that one individual who Donjusticia slobbered over when you sent him that DD preview...

Me: SPOILERS Griffith! Come on!

Griffith: Again, pure evil!

Guts: ...Weren't we supposed to discuss killing the anime director because he gave us the worst kind of budget?
Doom King of Latveria chapter 1 . 7/20
This story is exactly (or similar) with one of the fan-made video series made by Dorkly channel in YouTube. It's about video game characters meet their agents about their series, and how the agent solve their problem in calm and relaxing way. The agent also completely didn't get attacked by his client, thanks to his OP backup, and sometimes always troll on them if he deemed them not good or something! XD

Really, you need to see that series for yourself, and maybe you can get inspirasional from it! Its hillarious, and the agent it's the luckiest man! XD
PinkRose2006 chapter 1 . 7/15
Not really into Re:Zero, but this sure will be one hell of a ride.

Please make something about how we got the whole Smile World shenanigan going.