Reviews for Maverick Emperor Volume One
Kamen Rider W chapter 4 . 7/23
Okay my only thing is why were contracts so important they totally just forgot about them after season 1
Guest chapter 4 . 7/23
Seeing this 'story' continually show up is fucking annoying. You're just rehashing all of canon with minor changes, except the writing is somehow much worse than the fucking source material.
AdrianLee28 chapter 4 . 7/23
Keep up the good work your doing a great job
Rider126 chapter 4 . 7/22
So what happened to volume zero?
AdrianLee28 chapter 3 . 7/18
Great chapter again thank you
Kamen Rider W chapter 3 . 7/18
When I first watched DxD and saw Raynare I was thinking of why does she need Asia’s gear other than just getting healing powers so I can’t wait to see how u do it. I’m also liking the interactions between Magnus and the others especially Koneko because I don’t remember her smiling a whole lot. On how he reacted to Akeno being into S&M, I asked myself the same thing about her.
Tremex chapter 3 . 7/18
The problem is that taking out the sword and the dragoon mode and the other new modes is practically issei but without the perversion and a little more concentrated but nothing else is practically the same and the problem is that I don't know if that's a good thing, in your original that was a fairly visible problem in the beginning with some differences but the similarity was very visible to the point that it was not very funny, it was good but not better, I can tell you from two fanfics that although one is a bit of a disaster because he rewrote in it history and the shit a bit the history but it is sadly good now without the original that without a doubt had its errors but it was good it will not be able to read well but even so I send it to you and the other one that I read that was very good quite original although It has some copies here and there and errors but it is good to read and this one that is also equally good with its pros and cons but good are 5 that I send you to notice and try to improve do something more original, the type train, practice, imagine, have devil magic or something else you experience and practice.





Kamen Rider W chapter 2 . 7/15
Well first thing is I like how u started it and I was wondering is Raynare still gonna be bad or is she gonna have a backstory because I feel like she deserves one due how she was and I don’t know why but after reading volume 0 I have a feeling she is brainwashed
Gamerman22 chapter 2 . 7/14
Not that rewriting! I like the original better. It’s been long time.
streetlife34 chapter 2 . 7/13
Are you planning to have this story follow the events of the Light Novel this time or will it be like the old one and follow the events of the Anime.
AdrianLee28 chapter 2 . 7/13
Nice just a quick question are you going to stop uploading the old version or stick to re writing the whole story Just asking