Reviews for Jackpot
Lilcrafter chapter 2 . 7/17
Pretty good.
Red Raven 007 chapter 1 . 7/16
I like this but don't you think the story is moving a little bit too fast. We get to plot points to plot points. It's a little bit too fast
Red Raven 007 chapter 1 . 7/16
I just prefer Dante not having any last name considering it's already canon he's doesn't have any surname
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14
This is kinda bad.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
In devilmaycry five the shop is located in a city called redrave city I believe.
Red Dusk 369 chapter 2 . 7/14
Okay, last time bringing up shipping. I change my vote or if allowed, add another vote for Angela; a.k.a. Thor's sister. She is pretty much the closest thing to being Marvel's Wonder Woman. She would seem she would have more of a reason to be in the story that would seem less forced than Black Cat's reason would be other than just so Dante can be shipped with her.

I would be fine if you decide to have it be Black Widow since she is a core member of the Avengers so she kinda has to be in the story by default. Plus she has interacted with Dante the most so far. But it is entirely up to you. So with that out of the way...

I have a bit of an issue with how you've done the trope of having Dante impaled in a vital spot of the body to create a shock reaction moment from the crossover characters. It could've been done better. First off seeing Dante instantly heal wouldn't have that much of a reaction from the Avengers since they live in a world where instant healing is a common thing depending on which iteration of the Avengers you are using.
Second is that it was a low level demon is the thing that Dante gets impaled by. You can have Dante be impaled but it should not be done by some one or something that is significantly weaker & slower than him. A casual Dante can speed blitz the Despair Embodied. It should be at least a Bolverk level opponent to having Dante being impaled acceptable.
And third, Black Widow should thank Dante for saving her. I know she is more grateful than Lady is.

There should be at least one instance where Dante lets the weaker Avengers like Hawkeye or Black Widow use a devil arm that there able physicalities would allow them to use. Black Widow should be able to use Gilgamesh, Artemis or even Pandora's Box. Every other devil arm might be either too unorthodox for her or would kill her for being too physically weak to use.

Kinda wanna see a banter moment between Black Widow and Nevan in her demon form. Both being master seductresses that can bend any man to their will.

Also kinda a missed opportuinity to have Tony Stark make some witty parallels with Agni & Rudra and J.A.R.V.I.S.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14
Great chapter keep it up
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13
Great so far keep it up
Red Dusk 369 chapter 1 . 7/12
Didn't think their was gonna be another Devil May Cry and Marvel story. Dante has the power to be in the same league as Marvel's heavy hitters like Thor, Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch.

Is there any chance that Dante will be shipped with at least one of the Marvel girls? If so I vote Black Cat. I would say either Black Widow or She Hulk but I already plan on making a story of Dante having a harem with Black Widow and She Hulk being part of it.