Reviews for The Maelstrom Dragon Slayer
NinjaFang1331 chapter 3 . 7/26
Excellent first three chapters
shithead chapter 3 . 7/15
Oi what kind of language this is?
did you revise this shit before you publish..
you sucks..
this English section man not this language..
you are shit writer that fuck his mom to write this story cause you don't revise and hope another slutty bitch to fix this pussy of story of your and whining in the back that you got bad review and blame your dickhead betas..
Mathafuker chapter 3 . 7/15
Oi fucker, this is English section mathafuker...
What language chapter 3 you using huh shithead..
Guest chapter 2 . 7/14
Really liking this story and hopeful there'll be more. Take good care
Corpse Candle chapter 3 . 7/16
Well the obvious ones would be the Nara clan with shadow magic and maybe even darkness magic
Akimichi clan with titan magic since it’s similar to their multi size jutsus and earth/metal based magic
Yamanaka clan with telepathy or mind control magic even telekinesis so basically mind based magics maybe even doll magic
Aburame clan with hive magic basically their usual clan based stuff and a potential takeover insect form only available for the clan
Kurama clan with illusion magic given they are a genjutsu clan that can make genjutsu real and memory make
Flaming devil chapter 3 . 7/16
Good chapter
Morregen chapter 3 . 7/15
Nice chapter! I look forward to chapter 3. :3
OneTrueAkatsuki chapter 3 . 7/15
um this chapter is in a different language for me thought it was supposed to be English.
HayakuHayaku chapter 3 . 7/15
Great chapter. I'm loving the story but there are some grammatical errors you need to fix.
dingo-822 chapter 3 . 7/15
Ok, I am confused are you having Lisanna a male or female? You have her written as Chan then later are calling her a brother.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13
You should profile Naruto's appearance and attitude in jason MoMA's Aquaman likeness and water dragon slayer technique based upon these:

1. Water Prison Technique

2. Water Prison Shark Dance Technique

3. Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave

4. Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique

5. Water Release: Great Shark Bullet Technique

6. Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique

7. Silent Killing
usameer16 chapter 2 . 7/14
Wow, one of the best starting i have read and hope it will not be dropped and is there a harem in this story cause from reading the 2nd chapter i think erza and mira will be the love interest with erza's red hair and temperament and when mira first came to fairy tail she always get angered for every little thing. Hope both are the love interest cause best girls from fairy tail.
demiwizard202 chapter 2 . 7/14
currently loving this
spirit of chaos chapter 2 . 7/14
i can't wait for the next one good job
bloddymoon chapter 2 . 7/14
Me gusto el cap ya quiero ver que lo que le pasara al dragon
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