Reviews for Crystal Eyes
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 2 . 7/14
You need to proof read your work. There's a lot of spelling errors. I recommend getting a text to speech app to be able to hear where you go wrong. If you're on Android, you can get the free version of voice and use the British Google voice for a less robotic tone compared to the other voices.
Dakumun chapter 2 . 7/14
Definitely interesting, not many people use Angelica Ainsworth in this site and I like her as a character. Besides that can I assume the worlds clone Shirou will travel to some characters will know him? Like the Shirou of their universe?
piddle chapter 2 . 7/14
the chapter was good not much else to say.
GlassyHades chapter 2 . 7/14
I have no idea what to say other than I hope you can continue to have the motivation to write this weirdly interesting story...
KingAllen chapter 2 . 7/14
How can Raynare know shirou?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/13
Ohhhhhh this is going to be something special I just know it. The problem with Shirou in most crossovers is that he has a limited supply of Prana or od, in this however you fixed it by connecting him with his Counter guardian self. So are we allowed to have a comprehensive list of all the different worlds that Shirou and Angelica are going to visiting or are you still compiling a list?

If you haven’t finished may I suggest adding one piece or more specifically “Haki”. Because Haki is very compatible with Shirou and his character.

Observation Haki: Same principle as clairvoyance I guess but just read the fight against Luffy and Katakuri.

Armament Haki: A much better version of his reinforcement magecraft, able to strike the real body with elemental intangibility and allowing them to attack opponents without physical touch and cause internal damage. One which is must for Shirou because for a lack of a better term “squishy human body”.

Conqueror Haki: In which Shirou can dominate and overwhelm the wills of others and even knock those with weaker wills unconscious using their own willpower.

Please if you can and thank you for reading my review. Stay safe and keep yourself healthy.
M2R chapter 2 . 7/13
that's something. how did shirou got to dxd
steel35 chapter 2 . 7/13
There goes Shirou, accomplishing the impossible like always. I am curious as to the relationship the previous Shirou had with the inhabitants of DxD, but I'm sure we'll get more info later on. Keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10