Reviews for Stay a while
Joanie's daughter chapter 5 . 8/6
Good update
Lavender73 chapter 5 . 8/5
Wow! That's a lot to drop on someone! I think he should've waited until he got divorced first to prevent Michonne from feeling like she was the reason for his marriage not lasting. I can't wait for the next chapter. This is so good
ALDGRichonneLover chapter 5 . 8/5
Awesome update! Rick went ALL in and poor Michonne was so taken aback since she just dreamed Rick asking her to wait for him! They have such a soul connection, it's so beautiful. I am glad Rick finally let out his true feelings about his marriage and Michonne. Is much as I want Michonne to just go for it, I too, understand her reservations. Rick is still married, and she is not about that side pice/affair life, and deserves to be with a man that is free in ALL ways. So divorce, here we come!
Now that Rick had an idea that Michonne has the feels for him as well. he is going to move heaven and earth to get her and prove that he is so very serious about her and their relationship. Knowing Lori, this will be a rough ride. She will not want to give in easily to another woman, especially someone like Michonne. Lori's would want Rick miserable at all costs. The job that provides their way of life, she wants Rick to leave for her own selfish reasons, and screw how Rick feels about his passion. This is goi g to be GOODT! Keep it up! .
elk21 chapter 5 . 8/4
So happy to see Rick being honest with both himself and Michonne regarding his feelings. Looking forward to reading what you have in store for us next. Thank you!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/4
Another awesome chapter!
MJRL chapter 5 . 8/4
Really interesting story. I cannot wait to know about Lori and Carl's reaction. Great chapters.
Timeout7 chapter 5 . 8/3
Lori will be ticked off to start, Hope it works out for everyone in the end.
Cleo Griffith chapter 5 . 8/3
Who cares if Lori is pissed?! She’s probably banging Shane anyways. Rick is not hay so why stay in the marriage and be miserable for the rest of his life? I’m glad Rick and Michonne talked and he laced all his cards on the table. And just like her dream he asked her to wait for him. As for Mike I hope he don’t think that Michonne agreeing to have lunch with him means that she wants him back.
SunandShines chapter 4 . 8/3
Very nice update! This situation that rick is going through happens all the time. Love is a very important part of a relationship and when there is no love is hard to tolerate someone.

And Rick said a very important thing, Lori is not his best friend. And a partner has to be your best friend. It’s important.

I liked this chapter and how Michonne was also very honest with him. She let him deal with his situation on his own without having to put wood in the flames.

I think Lori will be mad sure but deep down she will accept because she feels the same way
deeu13 chapter 5 . 8/2
This was a great chapter. I’m glad that Rick laid it all out there. Michonne gave a little but it was enough to help them navigate through their relationship moving forward. Rick is probably in for a ride with Lori but hopefully she doesn’t give him too much hell.
zeepsagirl chapter 5 . 8/2
And the journey begins to Richonne forever.
Philly Girl52 chapter 5 . 8/2
Damn Rick, you dropped a whole lot of feelings on our girl in one fell swoop. Understandably, it's gonna take minute for Michonne to digest and accept what Rick told her. His words were powerful but his actions in their time apart will ultimately be the deciding factor in Michonne's decision on whether or not to give her and Rick a chance.
Thank you for the great update. Be safe.
Cheyquan1 chapter 5 . 8/2
Exciting ...
Cheyquan1 chapter 4 . 8/2
A,ways happy to see a new chapter
LydiaMoon chapter 5 . 8/2
Well, Rick. You know what you need to do. Make that move is you want to be with Michonne.
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