Reviews for Think Lovely Thoughts
Grace5231973 chapter 1 . 6/29
I go back and forth on Pan. When I was young, Pan and Wendy and Tink where my heroes and I loved the story of Pan and Beauty and the Beast. It was hard seeing Pan as a villain but his refusal to grow up in the original story can be seen as selfishness so Pan could be as villainous as Hook. On the show, the things he said to Rumple were abusive but when Rumple was young and they went to Neverland, I saw a man who cared for his son and did want to start over with him. I agree that the loss of his wife added to his resentment of Rumple and his longing for the childhood he was deprived of added to his hatred of his son. Rumple as a consequence, clung to his children and vowed to be better than his dad. Was Pan completely evil? I don't think so because nothing is black and white but he was not a fit father and he abandoned Rumple rather than grow up and raise his son.

I like how you got into his head and showed the conflict and his going after Blue not just because she had his wife's wand but in retaliation for what she did to his son makes sense. Fiona did the same which is why she punished everyone including Belle. I look forward to your next story!