Reviews for Bride of Adventure
OriginalMcFishie chapter 8 . 1h
You have to feel for Mari, sea sickness is horrid and although she had chores at home I suspect she was a but indulged. It must have been very frightening, close quarters and strange people.. And yet it feels as if Anne's lot is harder, life with Matthew would have been adorable but life with the Lyndes...I see trouble ahead
OriginalMcFishie chapter 7 . 7/27
There are some lovely comparisons here between the life Marilla chose and the life Rachel chose. Both Rachel and zThimas feel their way of life under threat by the raw nature of Marillas. I find Thomas anher at John particularly interesting, it's not his definition of what a man should do, despite being the right decision. Love how Rachel puts her foot down and tells Marilla she is always welcome and more should come to her. Anne staying and Marilla Lynde going is a nice touch, we get Anne amd Mathew love (such a beautiful connection) amd the Lynde way of life further undermined. I wonder what young a Mailla will make of it?
Chicken Whisper chapter 5 . 7/13
I've been following this story but unfortunately I have been travelling (we're allowed to go visit family now!) So I haven't had time to review! But this story is absolutely golden! The portrayal of Green Gables with no Marilla to manage it was sad but very fitting. I can totally see it happening that Matthew would succumb to being a total slob with no one to talk to or even spend time with him. Im so happy that he isn't bitter towards Marilla! Great story!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/10
Love this, glad they’re back home. Will they stay or leave again after John returns? Ready for the next chapter.
OriginalMcFishie chapter 4 . 7/7
Excellent chapter, capturing the conifusion if a long lost friend arriving in the middle if the night, the confusion of illness an not knowing who you are, and the challenges of childbirth.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3
Love this waiting for an update.
MirillaBlythe chapter 2 . 7/3
I hope this zaby is a girl.! I love this story and I hope they go back to like in Avonlea or for a visit. No Matthew yet I hope he is around and will surface soon. Awesome an usual my favorite writer.
vivianfangirl chapter 1 . 6/28
OMGOOOOD, I loved it!
OriginalMcFishie chapter 1 . 6/28
ah the what if... Beautifully written you get a sense of the choice between love and excitement or drudgery home and duty. I can see old Marilla sitting on the verandah dozing off, dreaming of what could have been imagining having done this... but I cant see young Marilla makig this choice. she was brave enough, Marilla is incredibly brave, but her sense of duty is far too strongly ingrained in her. Lovely piece