Reviews for You Can Lead a Turtle to Water but You Can't Make Him Drink
Nutella Swirl chapter 1 . 6/28
It's been so long since I last watched the 2007 movie omg. But I can tell this is going to be so much better already :D
I was expecting a cliff hanger, but like... SERIOUSLY?! AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh! I honestly can't believe Leo never left for a whole. entire. YEAR! And his brothers kept it a secret?! I'm guessing Leo didn't want to be separated from them, that's why?!
Just, wow! I'm so invested in this. Love it! Keep it up, Fireworks :D
The-Fourth-Queen chapter 1 . 6/27
Youch- okay... that's interesting. I expected drama but this blew me away cause WOAH. XD

Didn't see that coming- didn't EVER even fathom that idea. It sure makes thing a bit more absurd though... ;)

Awesome work Fireworks! XD
Sairey13 chapter 1 . 6/27
...Yeah... I do wonder, at times, if Leo even left New York, despite seeing the intro of him in South America.

...Other times, I think he heard of the Legend of Yaotl and, while in South America, he encountered one of the thirteen monsters and made it his goal to find them all and return them home, after finding out where the portal is located.

...There's even times, when I think he went feral, after being isolated for too long, and formed his own group of animal allies to protect the forest.

Or, if he has village human allies, after being discovered by the people... Then, after training them, they would take on anybody who would dare harm their village and the forest... In a way, forming their own Assassin's Creed Clan ;P

...You would think we would see/learn on Leo's reason to why he didn't return home, when he finished his training. Also, they never said how long his training period was supposed to be and that April only stated that his training period ended a year ago.
ScribeofHeroes chapter 1 . 6/27
Oops, well that's … messy. Yeah, I can understand not wanting to have that talk with Splinter too.

Interested to see how it goes from here.

God Bless