Reviews for I Don't Know Why They Say Grown Men Don't Cry
LadyCressa chapter 1 . 7/23
This was beautiful. Man. Goku holding onto little Gohan is so realistic. The guy missed 7 years of his son’s life. He and Gohan only had a few years together until Gohan got married and moved out. I can totally see Goku kind of internally protesting that lol. Goku being broken hearted after just killed me. And a little detail... I so so love it when the apple tree pops up in fic. Well done!
naz290 chapter 1 . 7/17
Its been a while since my chest hurts from overly fluffy stories. Congrats on doing it buddy.
Ely15 chapter 1 . 7/16
That was something very very beautiful, I am really very excited for me it was perfect, there are not many stories about Gohan and Videl's wedding and this was wonderful, it was very nice to see how they felt with this change of a new life together about of how Gohan felt with the idea of such a big house and in the city something that he is not used to and a very nice detail from Videl of trying to place things that Gohan was more comfortable with. I liked the participation that other family characters had regarding the wedding and the changes that are going to take place such as Goku Goten Milk and even Mr satan himself, taking into account that it is his only daughter who is getting married.
It was very nice that both will wear their respective parents' wedding outfits, Videl to feel her mother present on such a special day.
I loved it very much and I really hope and wish that you write many more stories so beautiful, about Gohan and Videl I love this couple. Thanks and see you soon
gwb620 chapter 1 . 7/11
This was absolutely beautiful. I’m crying as I type this. Excellent story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10
Masterpiece right here
Kanny Batmom chapter 1 . 6/30
This was so beautiful and well writen. The bond between Gohan and Goku... You wrote them so well again. Thanks for shating it! I hope we will read more stories like this one about father and son.
Thanks again!
DBZFan012567 chapter 1 . 6/26
Beautiful and nice call back to the tree from the anime
Lili chapter 1 . 6/25
This is beautifull. Great work.
Mrperson01 chapter 1 . 6/24
Truly an amazing oneshot. The last few lines really hit it home.
SchismFES chapter 1 . 6/24
This was a great read, thank you
M. Almeida chapter 1 . 6/24
This was SO beautiful! I teared up from the beginning.

I'll never get tired of reading about this family. I remember when I first went looking for stories about Goku and Gohan's relationship I didn't think I was gonna find people that understood, but i'm SO glad I found you and your stories and i'll always stand by the Son family.
derekctomlinson chapter 1 . 6/24
videl smirking at her husband gohan wait until our honeymoon night
Amanny chapter 1 . 6/24
Beautiful story
Mariam Hiwatari chapter 1 . 6/23
I'm not sure I can pinpoint the exact moment I started tearing up. Maybe since the Gohan and ChiChi talk, or Goku's first appearance - I don't know. The fandom often has very conflicted opinions about the Son's family - which I get, of course - but my God am I ready to go to war with anyone who dares to think for just one hot minute that this man does not love his children with all his warrior heart and I just love that you wrote this story to reflect just how much Gohan means to him. Gohan is Goku's greatest accomplishment, period. No discussions. No matter how many time Goku's saved the Earth or any other planet or universe - his first born son will always be the best thing he's done. Thank you for this beautiful story and for sharing it with us. I hope you write some more about this family, if you so wish. I'd really like to read it!
o- Nyx -o chapter 1 . 6/23
omg. I'm not crying. you're crying! this was simply beautiful! definetly a fabulous view of how the wedding time between videl and gohan could have gone. It was beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this with the world :D