Reviews for Blessing of the Phoenix: The Enigmaverse Episode 2
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 3 . 7/13
Good job keep it up
lija chapter 3 . 7/12
Hmmm...another cliffy...good one.

Since Hogwarts destroyed and most of the magical folks moved away, are most of the former Hogwarts professors at the City? The other Weasleys too? Or was Molly too stubborn to leave the Burrow? Ooooo...who did Neville married? Claire? Hmmm...she's the only one that I know of the Mer... BTW, I wouldn't mind if Peter died...I haven't forgiven him in regards to Gwen's fate. He'll need to sacrifice himself to save the world for me to possibly consider him for forgiveness. LOL

Dang, I almost want Ginny to become one with the bird...but I guess Jean is destined to become that person per your future chapter.

I'm glad that Luna's not dead. Makes perfect sense for her to go that route. Hopefully she can continue to be their guide, mysterious that she may be.

Look forward to the next chapter.
coolkid0806 chapter 3 . 7/12
Yes! The meta plot is progressing, people can come here for the Harry Potter plot or the Marvel plot, but I am here for the plot about the forces and the ascended. (I'm also here to watch Phil Coulson be the almighty janitor God he is, but that's just a hobby of mine) Also, as for that last scene of Fury being in the one place they didn't want him, is he in Atlantis or the repository of worlds? Also, Luna is back (sorta) yay! I also could have sworn there was going to be a timeskip to 2008 at the start of Iron Man 1 so why the plot is starting in 2006 is causing me some other questions. I would have to look at the old timeline that was laid out but I could have sworn the pheonix force was planned for later. Will there be a second time skip to 2008? I have so many questions. I have so much speculation!
X.pix.X chapter 3 . 7/12
Great chapter
lija chapter 2 . 7/9
Another lovely chapter...minus the death (forwarned in the previous story, so I knew it was coming).

Is there a reason why Harry doesn't use silent spellcasting? Or it better in story mode? Hmmmm...

Look forward to the next chapter. Hopefully the response to what happened to Hermione and co.
lija chapter 1 . 7/9
All caught up to the 1st will now have to be patient while waiting for this story to be written.

Bout time you used a fictional president instead of a real-life one.

Evil cliffy on the 1st chapter. LOL
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 2 . 7/1
Good job keep it up
X.pix.X chapter 2 . 6/29
What a cliffhanger! It would be very interesting to find out what happened back at Atlantis and who actually told him to come back. How did they find out who murdered President James Matson?
X.pix.X chapter 1 . 6/22
Wow! What a start to a new story, it seems that Fury is jealous of the power that Hinny possesses :P I can’t wait to see how this story develops