Reviews for Fatherhood
Pandasrkewl chapter 1 . 7/4
I'll never stop loving to hear about this extremely adorable family. And I can't wait to see if Alexander is as caring of an older brother as Lelouch is.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 1 . 6/25
Awww this adorable also Alex is going to be an older brother yay also do you know Super Robot wars x just asking also good lord these five are cute
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24
Wow they got hitched for real? I’d assume they’d think it insignificant at this point but it might be Lelouch trying to be romantic lol or they want to make things official for Alexander. Anyway this was so cute! C.C. saying they shouldn’t be surprised she’s preggers is sending me lmaoo
woo.tanin chapter 1 . 6/22
thank u for another present! i love these little ones! and having another baby?! omg! this one gonna be the little c.c for lelouch to adore now! i can’t wait for ur upcoming stories tho! thank u for always giving us ur bests!
Admiral T. DeVanto chapter 1 . 6/21
I loved this! Then again, I love anything that's CluClu. Lelouch is having his family, and what a wonderful surprise for him!
duduaoi chapter 1 . 6/21
checked ff for cluclu fanfic, was not disappointed hehe. i was kinda raising my hopes up before checkig, thinking you would upload a cluclu fic considering u did on mother's day for c.c. hehe. congrats for baby no. 2 ! yayy. Happy father's day to your father author-chan!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21
Congrats baby number 2 is coming. Hoping to see more clu clu fam moments. Thank you author-san.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21
Another great story from clu clu fam, thank you so much author-san, you're really awesome. Congratulations to daddy lulu, baby number 2 is coming looking forward for more hahaha. Hoping to see more from this cutie fam. More power to you author-san. Keep safe.
keepcoffee03 chapter 1 . 6/21
Happy Family
keepcoffee03 chapter 1 . 6/21
Happy Family
wintergables chapter 1 . 6/21
Yey! a second baby, can't believed the new surprises coming in. The cluclu family is growing. Anyways, happy father's day to all the Pops around the world , you all are amazing! Salute!
Kira4Schiffer chapter 1 . 6/21
This is so heart warming. I love how u create Emperor's Wish universe, both original and AU. I can't stop smiling reading this.
Hope you'll write more. Great work! :)
Akira-Hayama chapter 1 . 6/21
Cute story, and definitely a nice addition to Father’s Day. Liked how you delved into Alexander’s mind, and his thoughts and feelings when he was reprimanded by Lelouch, which led to his supposed actions of trying to run away.

Think everyone can relate to that moment in their childhood, or something similar like that, so I can empathise with Alexander on that one. It’ll definitely be interesting once he starts hitting puberty and going onto his teenage life; wondering when Lelouch and CC will have the talk with him about them being immortal?

Also a new addition to the family! Boy or girl, don’t know, but the family is growing and it’s cute! Interested to see what you’ll do with this reveal.

Great oneshot overall. Till next time!