Reviews for Moonlit World
Lad Lad chapter 3 . 11h
I have no earthly idea what's going on but I'm hoping that by going back through it I'll be able to read it coherently.
Shattering chapter 4 . 7/21
Bunch of gibberish that is going nowhere
Shattering chapter 2 . 7/21
Horrible English...
And do you know the other meaning of "dong"? I guarantee, after looking it up, you'll never use it again in the same context it was used.

facuf1997 chapter 5 . 7/21
Damn this cap was a 10/10 and one thing I do not know if I misread the previous cap but I think that ozpin said that EMIYA is working for Salam which I find hilarious on many levels, no version of EMIYA hamas would work for that woman
123ABIR123 chapter 5 . 7/20
Well amazing chapter pls update soon. who are the other fate characters that are appearing in this fic beside shiro, Jack and fujimaru family?
D.N.Works chapter 5 . 7/20
Wow. It's official, Shirou and his group are the strongest there is. If they can handle the so-called, best, and Shirou easily beating Ozpin, then Salem will probably be child's play to them. I have to say, you made a badass OP team in which Yang will totally fail against.
And then Glynda and her past, I have some respect for her to see she grew to a better woman. But dang, another powerful force. Looks like Beacon ain't good at all. Best to leave the protection to the Fujimaru group, they seem tougher.
Kayen1024 chapter 5 . 7/20
Wow that was an intense and depressing chapter. I am guessing the other children with Shirou are Atalanta, Asterios, Perseus or David, and Arthur or Kiyohime. When I think of a human with green hair that's the first one that comes to mind. I think you changed how aura functions and i am curious exactly what kind of role you are expecting the Fujimuras to play in this story.
VGBlackwing chapter 5 . 7/20
He would shatter you say? You will die a horrible death yang you reaped what you fucking sowed. you have no right to threaten someone when you will be just a cripple in the future maybe you should learn your teacher's experience before your nightmare become reality and you lose everything

So the description for those 5 is
Asterios (or minotaur the evil version of Asterios)
Atalanta (or berserker version of her)
Emiya (Alter)
Incursio Baal chapter 5 . 7/20
So Asterios, Atalante, Siegfried, and another one I don't recognize are also there? Nice, would be great to see if they are still in contact with him. Keep up the good work!
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 3 . 7/13
So you pussy'd out killing off Yang.
D.N.Works chapter 4 . 7/13
Aside from jnpr, I didn't mind RWBY getting beaten. Not sure how to feel about Yang dying, but perhaps this will help the girls learn NOT to attack people out of nowhere. Shirou Alter showed them how tough he is, and he let them live.
Although I am confused. I get Emiya Alter is tough, but THAT tough as Ozpin said he was worlds strongest. Shouldn't there be others tougher than Shirou?
Kayen1024 chapter 4 . 7/13
I really don't know how to feel about this chapter. On one hand the fact that RWBY and her friends actually got hurt, nearly died, and were curbstomped is a refreshing change of pace. I know having a lot of confidence is necessary for their profession but sometimes that confidence turns into arrogant and reckless behavior, that could have massive repercussions. I mean I am glad that in canon they don't suffering too much before the fall of Beacon, but I have to admit that Team RWBY really did seem like they could get away with everything. I mean Yang may have been smashing shady bars that probably didn't go to court, because it had secrets about its activities that it wanted to keep, but how could she forget that these people are criminals? People who live outside of the law, and who have the resources and wealth to manage a criminal information hub are bound to have experience dealing with the most ruthless members and taking the enforcement of their establishments into their own hands. Did Yang really that think a group of successful criminals would not attempt to get retribution for her actions? I am also curious why Blake was even thinking of asking her friends who nearly died along with Yang to pick a second fight with a criminal group who can afford to place a massive bounty on Yang. Does she not realise that she is going to drag all her friends into the line of fire of ruthless, powerful and wealthy outlaws? I thought she was suppose to be the cautious who thought things through. She might be desperate but that doesn't excuse her from not even thinking of less dangerous method after her recent experiences.
VGBlackwing chapter 4 . 7/12
Heh when the news say "let the authorities handle him" meaning that everyone and I mean everyone even those idiot huntsmen to steer clear of him because nothin cannot stop him only death will come to those who are foolish

Meaning leave Emiya alone and no one dies because no one can take him down
Daemon of Wrath chapter 4 . 7/12 actually...enjoying the misery and shock of RWBY and JNPR. They thought they fought just a simple thug. Turns out he is one of the strongest in the world and could've killed them all in the most agonizing way possible should he choose.

They may have been learning to fight Grimm...but there are worse monsters out there that they just simply can't handle.

I figured Blake was a bit too gung ho about apprehending Shirou. And of course Yang would destroy bars during her search for Raven. Unfortunately for her, those bars belonged to the Fujimura's, who Shirou is associated with. I'm surprised Shirou didn't just kill her and turn in her corpse.

And now to cure Yang, they have to try and convince the Fujimura's the ones who put out the bounty for Yang in the first place, or the Einzberns to convince Shirou. They better play it smart, otherwise they would all pay with their lives. How delightful. What a way to show how their actions have consequences...paid tenfold and agonizing.

Looking forward to more.
Saidaki chapter 3 . 7/9
I like how this chapter's disclamer says that RWBY is the property of Type-Moon instead of Rooster Teeth.
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