Reviews for House Of Cards
Shaedy.Mo chapter 1 . 8/5
As smart as he is. He can be pretty stupid. All he has to do to put an end to his torment is to just press charges against both Bakugou and his teachers and BOOM! Problem solved.
Animie02fruit chapter 1 . 7/21
Can’t wait for the next episode
Beneficent Shiva chapter 1 . 6/21
Jade Tatsu’s fanfic “Another Form Of Power”, has Izuku taking the political route as well.
TKLF42 chapter 1 . 6/18
When Nezu meets Izuku... what was the definition of chaos again? Yes- that.
Chrono Phoenix chapter 1 . 6/17
If a Hero could be defined as someone who protects, then I whole heartedly believe this Izuku can become a truly fine Hero.
FI.Roffan chapter 1 . 6/17
Kinda gray Izuku here, huh? There's many politics Izuku stories out there and here's one that decided to make him go to business course, very original for that one.

I've read your other stories too, so keep update and stay healthy so you would continue all of it!
santiagoabelcampos chapter 1 . 6/16
Muy buen inicio me recordo mucho a una historia que vi hace tiempo en la que Izuku es un abogado que salva a los villanos en los juicios y siempre culpa a los heroes.
Earl John Diawatan chapter 1 . 6/16
I hope someone make a fanfic in which Izuku is a hacker like Sombra
StandUpKeepMovingForward chapter 1 . 6/16
Seems interesting, very curious, lets see how this goes :)
RandomReader867 chapter 1 . 6/16
Thanks for the chapter!
Sewrtyuiop chapter 1 . 6/16
A good prologue. This will be an interesting journey and I wonder how much of a network Izuku will build before he gets to UA. Also, I would recommend reading Another form of Power by Jase Tatsu.

The story does deal a lot woru politics, so maybe it can help with brainstorming some new avenues for your story.
netapel chapter 1 . 6/16
cool idea for a story. looking forward to future chapters.
do you have an update schedule or do you update whenever? Good luck!
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 6/16
Cool fanfic
ProjectIceman chapter 1 . 6/16
Hoooo...I'm getting chills. These people have awakened a slumbering dragon and I almost feel sorry for anyone who will be pierced by his fangs and claws...almost. XD

This is similar to the Revolutionary Izuku stories I've read on AO3...but different in the case that he doesn't go to UA in those stories. Moreso, Business Class Izuku stories are pretty rare, so you got yourself a pretty original story here.

At first I thought,"Do business people go into politics like that?" before slapping myself upside the head because the president in the White House literally did that XD And I'm sure he wasn't the only one. After all, lobbyists are a thing.

Cant wait to read more!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16
Interesting. I've never come across a story like this before.
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