Reviews for Five Times Adrien Agreste Got Character Development
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10
Kkcats chapter 1 . 7/17
Heartwarming and funny. I love it.
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 7/7
5/5 would Agreste again!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30
Thanks, damn these where fantastic!
csad21 chapter 1 . 6/21
Aaaaaand THIS is how you do character growth!

Take notes, Asstrack!

Gods, seeing all these lost opportunities spelled out like this makes me salty all over again.
Melancholy's Sunshine chapter 1 . 6/16
If only the show would really let him and others grow.
HammyJessa chapter 1 . 6/11
I love this!
CeruleanDreamCat chapter 1 . 6/11
I really love this fic!
Jane the fan chapter 1 . 6/9
This was so cool! Much better than the show for sure!
sweetXDmelody chapter 1 . 6/9
The last one was my favorite, the show definitely needs that kind of development and appreciation for chat
siren8484 chapter 1 . 6/9
I really like 3 and 4
Apex85 chapter 1 . 6/9
Nice. Glad for this. Real refreshing after all the bash fics where his flaws are exaggerated to unbelievable levels.
Fi Suki Saki chapter 1 . 6/9
Everything is Absolutely Great! No doubt!
But the 4th and the 5th is TOTAL WIN!
Adrien insist on Charity event and made good publicity Unintentionally!
And Adrien being Magical Powerful! And Ladybug is Sooo Proud!
Hkt29 chapter 1 . 6/9
Nice to see fics doing what the show should be doing.
PerditaAlottachocolate chapter 1 . 6/9
It's about time this boy gets some actual character development. I say great work!
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