Reviews for 01 - The Glove Isn't On the Other Hand, I Just Have Gloves On Both
Aviantei chapter 1 . 7/6
Mission: Actually Start Doing Reviews, go! I know I read this one in advance, but it still makes me giggle. Akihiko and Mitsuru’s dynamic is just a delight, especially with all the other moving pieces around it. Thanks for this fun piece, and may you soon be returned home safely,

Soror Curantis chapter 1 . 6/11
You're so great at writing dialogue, CG! Something I really struggle with for dialogue is making it entertaining and realistic while progressing the plot at the same time. You always do really well with that. The conversation flows so smoothly and effortlessly!

This was really fun to read! Good job, CG!
FullMentalPanic chapter 1 . 6/9
Perfectly punctual, as usual. Well done dialogue. I enjoy corpulently expressive tags for how people are speaking, but it's a real mark of mastery to get the desired tone across purely through the words. You have quite a bit of character and individual voice in what these speakers say. Good job believably expanding on the motivations and goals of a character who is purportedly linear in his objectives. Humerus title, Sans!
ElementLegend chapter 1 . 6/9
Oh my gosh, CG. At least this is pretty much where I’m at in P3, so I’m not getting spoiled. (I know a few spoilers, but I don’t want to spoil the whole thing for myself.)

I think you really nailed Akihiko and Mitsuru’s relationship here. They’re good friends who aren’t afraid to call each other out on their nonsense, and I feel like this could have easily been a scene in P3 (Portable, obviously, since you mentioned the Female MC). I like how you snuck the prompt words in there, too!

One small thing - I think you meant “Fuuka,” not “Fuuko”.

Overall, this is a nice little one-shot! Hopefully, I’ll get my Persona one-shots out soon as well.
Punk Trash Noiz chapter 1 . 6/8
I'm not overly familiar with Persona, although Avi has told me a few things about the games. Based on a google search, these characters are from the third game? Reading this makes me want to find a playthrough of it to watch!

I really love that despite not knowing anything about these characters, I feel like I have an idea of what they are like just from reading this. The dialogue and mannerisms did a lot to show me what kind of people they are. The interaction between these two was so much fun to read. I'll definitely have to come back and re-read this once I'm more familiar with Persona!
SoSaysL chapter 1 . 6/7
Well hello, and welcome to the summer season!

So, after googling these Persona peeps, I feel like I have some grounds of what's going on. It was cute, it was fluffy, there was banter, Mitsuru's approach here reminds of me of a slightly more brisk version of Fuyuko, and of course there were noodles.

"isn't one to mollycoddle" - ah, I see the prompt title drop there...
"her head almost tilts to curious" - I was initially on fence about this phrase but now I've decided I like how clear of a picture it paints

All in all, a worthy start to TSoS, and I do very much hope we get an angsty one-shot before summer sets...