Reviews for Knight Of Remnant
BlueShard20 chapter 1 . 6/29
Ichigo is going to get the whole Beacon academy experience. He might actually fit in now that he's not the only one with different hair color.
TheMoonsInstinct chapter 1 . 6/10
I'm interested.
Lightfighter I chapter 1 . 6/9
Woah this story seems really good, I'm looking forward to reading this story all the way to it's ending
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 1 . 6/7
This’ll be GOOD.
Wellthatdidn'twork chapter 1 . 6/3
I think this has better potential than most of the other BleachxRWBY fanfics simply cuz you gave yourself the room to work. And what I mean by that is that it seems you nerfed Ichigo, but you did it in a sensible manner and one that makes sense.

I'm all for a crossover of these two pieces of fiction, but being frank, Bleach is way OP compared to RWBY and yet people keep trying to drop a strong Ichigo into RWBY, but you can't have everything make sense if don't do it correctly.

With this, you could have a very reasonably powered Ichigo in the story and I think that's a solid starting point right there. So best of luck keeping that potential up.
megakdre100 chapter 1 . 6/2
Let see what happens
Mr Darklord chapter 1 . 6/2
Woaah . That was so epic. Can't wait for more
Dovahkiin4 chapter 1 . 6/2
I think this is a really good story and has a lot of potential
cloud111 chapter 1 . 6/2
Great start can't wait for more.