Reviews for king of the demons
daniel2610994 chapter 1 . 6/27
Awesome this naruto sounds like he will become one epic motherfucker, maybe even literally since there are lots of sexy milfs out there hehehe, anyway I love both yoruichi and erza and it was good to bring them to the story instead of just creating some random oc that we would forget by next chapter.
Naito no Kitsune chapter 1 . 6/25
I love the idea of the story I hope to see more but I do agree with visioning. goblin, the story does feel a little rushed but other than that no complaints. Maybe you can add others users to the harem as well like Tsunade, Anko or Hana, even other bloodline users like Mei and Pakura. Just an idea for you
visioning.goblin chapter 1 . 6/18
While this is an interesting idea for a story, I feel like it is a bit rushed for the first cbapter. I am going to guess that the writer isn't from an english speaking country because rhere are some obvious misspellings through out the chapter but other than those points ir was a good read.
Ryu wolf chapter 1 . 6/11
Great job with this chapter n ya I agree with edeath you should add tsunade to the harem she would be a great addition to naruto’s love life.
edeath756 chapter 1 . 6/6
Add tsunade please she needs love and naruto is the person that can help her and everything so add tsunade
Beastyd22 chapter 1 . 6/3
Awesome first chapter man keep updating to the very end. This story of yours has unlimited potential to be totally awesome,so please update again soon as possible thanks.
biginferno chapter 1 . 6/1
very interesting start I hope Tayuya,Samui,Temari and possibly Ino are in Naruto's harem