Reviews for River Deep, Mountain High
Guest chapter 4 . 7/31
Hope the story turns out okay
G Fawkes chapter 6 . 7/30
With Harry turning seventeen any day now, isn't Ginny the only one not 'of age' in the group, and she turns pretty soon? being older in her year, like Hermione?
Wtf is Molly 'sending the children to bed' for? Jeezus criminee (atheist), cut the damn cord, already! I'd just love it if, for once, someone said "No Mom, we're adults now. You don't send US to bed anymore!" (You go to bed, we're going to drink til' the sun comes up... nah)
G Fawkes chapter 3 . 7/30
The kids have already finished sixth year. Shrinking suitcases, or even Hermione permanently attaching runes to do so (thumb print? drop of blood to activate?) or even just making the trunks weightless, should have been thought of a looooong time ago.
thunderofdeath97 chapter 6 . 7/30
personally imo, he should leave daphne more than the trust fund, if he were to die that is
ThunderSphinx chapter 4 . 7/23
Wasn't horcruxes invented in Ancient Greece, not Egypt?
cameron1812 chapter 6 . 7/23
I love this story (sends happy vibes). Harry's discomfort around Ginny is well done lolThank you!
narutoDkurosaki chapter 2 . 7/23
There is one thing that has bugged me a lot when I read a HP and DG fanfic. It's always malfoy who wants to marry her and 2 it's always the greengrass fortune or the seat in the magical parliament. I've never read a fic where anyone have got the dowry system right at all.
Majerus chapter 6 . 7/21
Very nice, a pleasant chapter after all the angst ;)
Guest chapter 6 . 7/19
Papa Greengrass more or less deserves it. But I feel really bad for Tori and their mom.
WildOnionTops chapter 6 . 7/21
Enjoying how this is progressing. Will be interesting, since you normally have more direct Harry Daphne interaction.
Shadow chapter 6 . 7/19
I loved the chapter. sad for Daphne's mother but I'm glad she doesn't forgive her bastard husband and lets him suffer alone in his corner, damn coward. But now that the contract has been signed in Astoria, I am worried that Daphne will prove to be alive if she has given birth to her child, since initially she simulated her death to protect her child. But I think that even if it hurts her, she will continue to pretend to be dead to protect her child. Because already Harry doesn't have much chance of surviving, Daphne must stay to fulfill her role as mother. The harry / daphne moment ️️️️ I love how much she trusts harry and that he does everything to protect her and her friends. My god madame weasley how annoying she is it is not possible besides harry who seeks to justify it is not his mother, what he does does not concern him. And for Hermione if harry wants to see daphne it doesn't look at her (anyway she already suspects that harry has a girlfriend) in addition i think she must see that harry is really happy so it will suit him, it will just have daphne him prove that she can trust him. Ron it will be more complicated but hermione is just going to give her the lecture "Slytherins are not all bad" let's give her the benefit of the doubt. Ginny stupid woman never seen more annoying. At least harry made it clear between him and her. anyway this idiot will be at hogwarts all year so it's more minor interference than anything else. And Harry who is already looking to protect his family (I love how happy he was at the time) by planning a residence under Fidelius. And that he seeks at the same time to make a will and to give false identity to Daphne and her child in the case I love. I wonder if he will try to make daphne a potter so that she can access the safe for potter to support herself, and even ask dobby to obey daphne and choose her as mistress if she dies. Hurry for the rest I love and I love your writing and your harry / Daphne ️️️
TheLastFedaykin chapter 6 . 7/21
Another great story here as usual. Look forward to where you go with it!
Lilac and Lilies chapter 6 . 7/21
I like this a whole lot! Can’t wait for another update!
Runecutter chapter 6 . 7/21
Well at least we now know that Harry and Daphne have a way better chemistry than Harry and Ginny in your world :D Seriously... you only exagerate the burrow a tiny bit over the book description and it is SO annoying and depressing to see. Poor Harry, caught between so many rocks and hard heads... Maybe you should work a bit more on Hermione and Ron as a couple, they are pretty bland and barely show any character traits, same is probably true for Tracey and Blaise whenever the story puts focus back on them...

to be honest, there was a chance for just this (deepening HG & RW) in this chapter with Hermione nosing about Harry's love life and him teasing her slightly back... If he had retorted to her why she was so interested in who he liked, if there was some ulterior motive for her interest, he could have turned the table on her, she could have fallen back to reassuring Ron but admitting she's worried that he seems to be so alone and that she fears he might be jealous of all the people around him coupling up or whatever ... and it could have resolved in humor about Harry going for "both his sisters" and whatnot... alas it stayed a tad superficial and only served as a vehicle to make Harry think about his secret relationship, not to strenghten or even define the ones at hand. Chances gained and chances lost.
Senjuthiago chapter 6 . 7/20
Bravo...;) wonderful fic I can wait for more (Big thumps Up)
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