Reviews for Littlefoot and Chomper on the Slopes of Mount Doom
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29
I love it and I always imagine Littlefoot and Chomper going to Mount Doom to destroy the ring. And I can't wait to read the next chapters of Sharptooth King. Oh in case if you might make a Land Before Time/Lord of the Rings Parody story, here are my guess cast list that you might use if you want.
Littlefoot-Frodo Baggins
Chomper-Samwise Gamgee
Cera-Merry Brandybuck
Spike-Pippin Took
Grandpa Longneck-Gandolf
Ducky's Mother-Legolas
Mr Threehorn-Gimli
Petrie's Mother-Faramir
Hidden Runner-Ringwraith
Red Claw-Saruman
Sharptooth(from first film)-Sauron
That's all the cast I can think of and I hope you'll like it.