Reviews for The Rent Was Cheap
Citopal chapter 2 . 5/25
huh, i really like how the oc is so chill about revealing her power to spiderman. i can get why all those mutant/enhanced characters can get really nervous about revealing themselves, but they can get illogical with the way they try to hide it from everyone. surely u can trust certain people with the secret.
d1n0s chapter 2 . 5/24
This is a really well written story.
I thought I knew what her power was in the first chapter but this confirmed it. I wonder how strong it is?
It was pretty funny when she said "He is such a dork."
Citopal chapter 1 . 5/20
ooh looks interesting! will definitely try this fic out!
d1n0s chapter 1 . 5/20
Well written, like it very much.
Moving to New York in the Marvelverse is as silly as getting an apartment in Metropolis and Gotham in the DC VERSE.