Reviews for A Second Chance
WadeH chapter 5 . 7/15
Ooohhhh... I’m sensing a Bingley Smackdown coming :)
WadeH chapter 3 . 7/15
I am quite enjoying this romp, and liking seeing a more assertive less doormatty Jane. I like stories where she grows a bit of a backbone. Be cool to see where it takes us.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/12
The correct spelling is: "tete-a-tete."
Guest chapter 18 . 7/12
Just as family can visit during a time of mourning, it was permissible for mourners to attend weddings of family. They would witness the ceremony but not participate in the celebration.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/12
Why does Mrs Reynolds not know of Darcy's engagement to Elizabeth? It was published in the papers and Pemberley, though far from London, is not the moon.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/12
I congratulate on the completion of this story. As you review and edit, I want to point out some glaring mistakes in expressions, especially during this time period.
For example, "Me too" is not a proper sentence or expression used during Regency Period. "I feel the same" or "As do I" is more proper. In this chapter it is written: "He rode her around their grand estate ..." I hope you did not intend to imply that he put a saddle on Jane and gave her the bit. "He rode WITH her ..." is what you intended, I think.
Enaxi chapter 26 . 7/9
I think this is a good point to end the story. I enjoyed the parts you deleted, but I can understand how you feel about it. So it was a good decision to end it here instead of leaveing it incomplete. Maybe you will get in the mood to write a sequel one day. Stay safe and thank you for sharing.
PrinceDandy chapter 3 . 7/7
Just now found this story. I am loving your perspective! Can't wait to read more!
EmilyWoods chapter 26 . 7/7
I don't think Bingley and Kitty is a match. Be second choice to your own sister is stale. But in the case of Lady Mary, it is fresh.
r1965rd chapter 26 . 7/6
Lady Mary would have ridden roughshod over the spineless Bingley. Not in a mean way, but simply because she knew more about estate management and had the stronger personality. She was a kinder combination of Lady Catherine and Caroline. Determined.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/6
Many thanks. It is a good ending And a better match for jane. I think Kitty n Bingley r a better match. Lady Mary is a bit too strong for him i think n a bit too snobby
Vesper1931 chapter 26 . 7/6
As a Mary Bennet fan I can't see her happy with Collins. Thankfully Austen never did that pairing or I would never have reread the book.
LMFG chapter 26 . 7/6
Thank you for sharing your story as far as it took you! :)
Guest chapter 2 . 7/6
Me encanta tu historia, pero Ñ sé puede leer desde el can 27 en adelante , quisiera saber que sigue.
Dennissem3 chapter 30 . 7/3
I really like these stories where Jane has a more mature and decisive partner than Bingley. However, so far she still feels second to Emma and she is with child! At this point Mathew should, could show her that his love for her surpass the feelings he once had for Emma. Another great one is that Lydia does not end with Wickham. I agree with the author that that is the one thing I didn’t like from Pride and Prejudice.
In this story so far we are getting a look, a story for everyone so far except Mary Bennet. Please don’t leave her behind without a future! Kitty gets to go to London but what happens to Mary?
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