Reviews for The Three Hermiones
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 8 . 7/30
Excellent chapter!
penelope90 chapter 8 . 7/29
Love the story! The update was very much needed!
I can’t lie, my patience for cis men is so short, I’m over sirius already haha! (Imagine that meme that’s like: friendship with [insert name] cancelled, [other name] is my new best friend. Relationship with Sirius Black canceled, Remus Lupin is my new love!) Can’t wait for more!
DOAWOTA chapter 7 . 7/20
If we are taking votes i say ditch sirius
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 7 . 7/18
Excellent chapter!
roon0 chapter 7 . 7/18
She can do so much better than that fool Sirius, every evil in his life was cause by his own stupidity. She should move on.
DOAWOTA chapter 4 . 7/2
Fuck you evans you deserve worse. Like the story
MegamiTsunami chapter 6 . 6/28
I keep forgetting that she's lived three lives and so her knowledge of things are much more advanced than it would originally be. I'm glad that she decided to take the double mastery.

I hope she and Sirius have more deeper moments... And sexy times !
MegamiTsunami chapter 5 . 6/28
This is such a beautiful chapter. I like how she stands up for herself but is still willing to forgive the girls. She properly chastised them. Who wants to sleep in the same room of the ones who attacked and (re)traumatized them.

I love your writing! Thanks!
MegamiTsunami chapter 4 . 6/28
So sad what the girls did to her just because they were jealous. I like how protective the boys are of her.

Thanks for another great chapter!
MegamiTsunami chapter 3 . 6/28
Now this is getting interesting! Thanks!
MegamiTsunami chapter 2 . 6/28
Love it! Thanks for this great chapter!
MegamiTsunami chapter 1 . 6/28
Wow... This is so good and so sad as well. Thanks for this wonderful chapter!
Alexa SixT chapter 3 . 5/17
Can’t wait for the next chapter.
icarus enjoyed the view chapter 3 . 5/17
I like this story, so this is really just a small nit-pick. Why would madam pomfrey give her heels? Heels are bad for your health when you're healthy, let alone when you're sick. Pomfrey is very obsessive about helping students, I can't imagine she would neglect that. Not to mention, why would those be the shoes just lying around? It's a school, if they had an extra pair of shoes they would be school shoes: flat, Lace up, leather shoes. I also imagine Hermione has quite practical taste after a year on the run. You wouldn't want to be caught wearing something you couldn't fight or run in. She would most likely need to spell the shoes to be the right size anyways, so why wouldn't she turn them into something more practical and comfy?

Sorry, I know this is really small, but it bothered me quite a bit because it seems in line with those sorts of fics that are obsessed with Hermione's looks, and so far this fic has been mostly concerned with her character, which i think is infinitely better.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/14
I like this!
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