Reviews for for you, i'll risk it all
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11
best fanfiction ever. keep up the great work! I thought i was reading a book :) MTFBYA
Justine 67 chapter 1 . 6/27
Thank you for a good, happy - ending story. Very interesting and we written too.
ironspike68 chapter 1 . 6/24
A very interesting and enjoyable alternative.

eclair.belmont chapter 1 . 6/2
Beautiful :,) it’s so heart warming that I cried
laurapal chapter 1 . 5/23
It was very lovely. I found everyone's reaction to be very believable and I like your hopeful ending with a third child on the way. Thank you for sharing!
Droettning chapter 1 . 5/16
Just amazing
your kidney 4lunch '3 chapter 1 . 5/13
This is so lovely and heartwarming it's almost rude.
Kagami420 chapter 1 . 5/10
Great read I really enjoyed it
DaDragon562 chapter 1 . 5/9
I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit as well as the point made that it's ridiculous with the technology in star wars Anakin was confined to the darth vader suit
MissyH316 chapter 1 . 5/7
Well done! Perfect romantic, happy ending many of us (girls in particular) have always wanted for Anakin and Padme, with their amazing, adorable twins. :-). MTFBWY
Guest chapter 1 . 5/6
For a moment I thought Anakin was going to bring the Skywalkers to the unknown region to start over. But this is such a happy ending and even Ahsoka is around. Leia playing with her father's hair is a cute little scene. I am so happy that the tragedy ends here. The Force is not on Jedi's side since the Force makes the Chosen One a slave boy. Anakin certainly doesn't deserve to be burned. Even Sidious doesn't suffer much before he dies. Considering how many planets and people Anakin has risked his life for and saved during the Clone Wars, if the Jedi can give Anakin a chance to destroy Sidious and the empire with them, Anakin deserves to be kicked out of the Jedi Order and receives no rewards for all his military achievements but nothing worse. I appreciate all the hard work you have put into this and hope to see more if possible. Thanks. May the Force be with you.
YourDreams chapter 1 . 5/6
Okay so that was one of the best thing I've read, I enjoyed everything about it and I might have cried! (I'm hyper sensitive about Star Wars right now.)
I loved how Vader was slowly redeemed to become Anakin again, how you handle the conflict about who he really was, that he did the right thing in the end and had everything back (my boy deserves it). And I loved that Padmé was as we know her: strong, badass, caring and understanding.
I would have loved to see some Ahsoka ('cause I miss her relashionship with Anakin after watching The Clone Wars) and Obi-Wan/Anakin moments. But that's just some personal likings.
Thank you so much for this and all the work you did. And thank you for not giving up on this story during those two and a half years!
Keep up the good work and may the force be with you!
moonstarwhite chapter 1 . 5/6
So beautiful it hurts so much! The Skywalkrs deserve better. And your fix-it was one of the best!
Pure Happenstance chapter 1 . 5/5
This was so sweet I need to wash it down with a glass of milk. Love it! May I have a second serving?
angie chapter 1 . 5/5
This is absolutely amazing, I love it! I could picture what was happening, like watching a movie. Thank you for sharing your talent! I love the strong Padme, and the way Anakin went after the Moffs to help redeem himself. These 2 deserve a happy ending, this is one of the best I have read.
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