Reviews for A package deal
MarySue9084 chapter 7 . 6/30
' She says, with confidence Lloyd doesn't feel.'
Oooooo lol I don't know why but I like really identify with that one line in particular.

Anyway tho, great chapter! I seriously believe your writing is getting better and better with each chapter!
PrincePacman47 chapter 7 . 6/29
Brilliant, Lloyd and Rhoan are amazing, and One thing I will say I'm interested in, is Epsiode 8, if Kai says he was the first to discover Nya's Samurai X secret, technically Lloyd did first, and Rhoan forgiving Lloyd, now that she knows he cared before, and always had, hopefully helps her see that no matter what happens, Lloyd will always keep a place in his heart for her, and he hopes she will do the same. . .

While Brad Tudabone still remains a mystery to me, when Lloyd returns to Darkley's as The Green Ninja, after seeing Lloyd and Rhoan's actions in this chapter, shows him that there's no reason for them to be evil, until Can of Worms, hopefully those two get back to their pranks and have some fun with their "Roommates".

One more prank I have done before, is putting a handful of shaving cream in one of your friends hands, and tickle their nose with a feather while their sleeping, because if it works, their hand will go straight to their face, and shaving cream will cover their face, it's truly funny, I call it Sleep Shaving, anyways feel free to use that instead of the other pranks Lloyd and perhaps Rhoan do on the Ninja, but keep Zane's pink gi, that's absolutely hilarious.

All that's left for Rhoan and Lloyd to do now, to be happy, is accept who they are, rather than who they thought they were supposed to be, and find their parents, if they do that's nothing can break the bond, of these two former Darkley's, Rhoan "Briar" Reed and Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
gwencarson126 chapter 6 . 6/18
poor Rohan. poor Lloyd I cried throughout this chapter, praying and hoping things will get better. lloyd missing Rohan and finally learning she think he betrayed her and seeing how he has been acting concludes that he did, thus hating himself. Rohan seeing her life full of betrayal, from the snakes to her friend, when will it end. it is destroying her. and yet a small part of her still misses llyod. next is pythor and we all know the kind of jerk he is. no doubt this will truly send her off the edge and fall. hope llyod can catch her in time.
PrincePacman47 chapter 6 . 6/16
Lloyd wanting to fix Rhoan's broken heart is another sign of him only seeing the best in people, even if he hasn't shown his best yet himself, and Rhoan may want Revenge on the Ninja since she said they took Lloyd away, but so far, there hasn't been a real sight on who's fault that was. . .

. . . was it the Ninja's for taking Lloyd in, was it Rhoan's for not going after Lloyd herself, or Lloyd's for not searching for Rhoan, when he should have. . .

. . . Only one thing is clear between them all, Rhoan's powers make her unstable, and she won't stop trying to get revenge, until somebody fixed the broken pieces of her heart. . . and that person is Lloyd, but where this is going, tells me that the first person on Rhoan's list for Revenge, is the one who kept everything to himself, rather than to give it up for his friends. . .

. . . Brad Tudabone. . .

. . . and while Lloyd did show signs of doing what was right, Rhoan certainly didn't want Lloyd to fix her heart, and least not right after he broke it, because her heart needs to heal on it's own, before she can let the one who broke it, back into it. . .

. . . and if It doesnt come until after Pythor is released, or if Lloyd becomes The Green Ninja, then maybe Rhoan may never want Lloyd as her friend again, because of him not only staying with the Ninja, but becoming a Ninja. . . even if he didn't have a choice. . .

. . . but with what this story tells me, for Rhoan, it's come to Survival, and between the Ninja and the Snakes, there are no other options, besides keep going, and if Rhoan doesn't do what's right soon, then she could meet her end, but the flames of the Fire Temple. . . or keep Lloyd from meeting that same fate. . . regardless who's fault it was, or who will take the next move, it's easy to see who and where Rhoan has her first spot of revenge . . .

. . . Brad, and The Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys. . .

. . . and in both Rhoan and Lloyd's eyes. if it was a school for bad friends. . . then right now. . . Lloyd would be on top.
PrincePacman47 chapter 5 . 6/14
When the time comes for Jay's Parents to get bit, hopefully Lloyd finds his friend, and explains what happened that night, and Rhoan told the snakes to burn the Monastery if Lloyd wasnt there, but if Scales went to the Monastery, and Rhoan stayed at the treehouse, hopefully she can realize that Scales would have done way worse. . .

. . . I did say it's up to Lloyd to fix Rhoan's broken heart, but unless he does it soon, then Rhoan's heart and soul will keep moving on from Lloyd, until it's too late to keep her from blocking him out. . .

. . . and if Lloyd reveals how much worse they made things for his friendship with Rhoan, by keeping him from saving her, hopefully Kai and Nya help him find his friend before it's too late, because now Rhoan is using the map as an opener, and the tombs as a can, and every one she unlocks. . . the more worms that come out, and if she takes it too far, and doesnt see, how sorry her best friend is. . .

. . . Then this Can of Worms, will be too much for anybody to close. . .

. . . even Rhoan and Lloyd.
PrincePacman47 chapter 5 . 6/8
Would have been better if my prank suggestion actually happened, would have been funny to see Kai's Reaction.

While Lloyd may still try his best to mess with the Ninja since they embarrassed him at Jamanakai Village, his good side, or perhaps the dragon side, keeps him from hating who they truly are, and if Lloyd convinced them to help Rhoan, or he perhaps made Kai lose his grip, so he could save her himself, maybe Rhoan has been misled. . .

. . . Thinking her Best Friend abandoned her is one of the worst things she could feel at these times, and Lloyd not noticing that Rhoan saw everything, is going to do nothing, but hurt his friendship with her in the long run, until he manages to find her and make things right, and if he tells her, what the snakes would have really done if he was at the Monastery, hopefully it's enough to show her, they both walked down the wrong path, and only time will tell. . . because if Rhoan sees what Lloyd's destiny truly is, she may never want him to be her friend again, while this may be a reason, for Lloyd to always want Rhoan as his friend, since she is for now the only friend he has, while Rhoan believes she has no one. . .

. . . and it's up to Lloyd, to fix what he broke in Rhoan's Heart.
gwencarson126 chapter 5 . 6/8
Oh dear
hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn
especially for a young girl who thought her best friend abandoned her
this is going to be intense
I hope she finds out the misunderstanding before it's too late
I really felt for these two
most stories just go through the motion without going into depth of what the characters went through
you really brought in the dynamics of llyod and Rohan, the flaws of the ninjas as heroes and individuals and impact of hardships in life
we saw a peek with kai and nya, it fits as the siblings had to survive on their after their parents disappeared
will we see more of the ninjas background as they connect with the pair
like the speculation of Jay being adopted, cole and his parents and having to live up to his father's legacy of a performer
Great job so far, looking forward to reading more
Lillipop chapter 4 . 6/6
This chapter was awesome! I loved the parts about Kai's stealth and how Nya isn't paid for this. Rhoan's loyalty and Lloyd having to resort to physically dragging her away were especially good. Can't wait to see what happens next!
PrincePacman47 chapter 4 . 5/26
Amazing, While in their training mode. the Ninja seemed disrespectful and ignorant, and if Rhoan was throwing the rocks, they should just wait and see for her powers to be thrown at them next, and when Rhoan gets Lloyd back, hopefully he believes her about them taking her away from the Village, and if those people asking about Lloyd about her, parents, then this is going to change quickly, and I am still looking at Lloyd convincing his "friends" to let Rhoan stay on the Bounty because of her powers, or if those people WERE Rhoan's Parents, hopefully she doesnt leave Lloyd behind with what they've been through at that school . . .

Looking forward to chapters of Season 2, like Lloyd being exposed to The Tomorrow's Tea, and hopefully The same happens to Rhoan, with everything they've been through, I'm sure Lloyd wouldn't want something like that coming between them, then there's Lloyd's Mother, and the Return to Darkley's, and I'm sure Rhoan and Lloyd are going to have some beef with Brad after he decided to stay at the School, rather than keep his friends.
gwencarson126 chapter 4 . 5/26
whoa plot twist
Lillipop chapter 3 . 5/23
Enter the ninja! That fateful first meeting. I loved your description of Rhoan's hatred for socks.
PrincePacman47 chapter 3 . 5/22
I like where this is going, and Like I said the Ninja's reaction to her powers, as well as Lloyd convincing the Ninja to let Rhoan stay in the bounty are the scenes I'm looking for, and hopefully the serpentine dont hurt or capture Rhoan and Lloyd too much after they start betraying them.

Will say. the chapters are a bit short for my liking, maybe even do the length of two episodes, because compared to the other story I read, the chapters in this one are a bit small.

also, if Rhoan came out and blasted the Ninja with her powers before they left and embarrassed Lloyd, I have a feeling they might have took off running, or would have asked Master Wu about Lloyd's friend.
gwencarson126 chapter 3 . 5/22
you can really see the bond between llyod and rhoan
the ninja better not make her mad
Lillipop chapter 2 . 5/10
Classic "Parent Trap" prank. Never gets old. And now they're officially kicked out of bad guy school. Well, at least they got to go out with a bang! Hopefully this isn't the last they see of Brad.
PrincePacman47 chapter 2 . 5/10
Incredible, though I figured Brad would wait until they would get kicked out to stab them in the back by not going with them, but at least Rhoan is a good friend, if they both go with the Ninja, and they see Rhoan's powers, they will be completley shocked, but that may be a good chance for Lloyd to show there is good in him if he defends her, and even though it's only the second chapter, I'm starting to think there's more to Lloyd and Rhoan's friendship than what meets the eye, and Brad didn't seem to notice, or care.

A few scenes I may look foward too if the story comes out very well, it already has but still, like when Master Wu, brings Lloyd on the bounty, and convinces him to let Rhoan stay also, or there's the fire temple when it's revealed that Lloyd is the green Ninja, since Rhoan has powers, Lloyd could convince her to be one too, then there's the start of Season 2 when Lloyd starts unlocking his powers, that would become something Lloyd and Rhoan have in common, since they would both have powers, and at the time, the ninja wouldn't, or one last thing I'm hoping for is anywhere around the time the Ninja finds Misako, and before they leave Ninjago, hopefully Rhoan can find her parents, and Lloyd will be happy for her, since all she had since they abandoned her was her powers, but she never understood why she had them, and neither did her parents, which is why they left her.

just suggestions is all, Only 2 chapters in and this story is already off to a great start, knowing how well "It Takes Two" is going, this could he another amazing story for people to look out for,cant wait for Chapter 3.
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